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Re: Friday Facts #382 - Logistic groups

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2023 11:59 am
by fishycat
Pssst...someone in the office hit that release button...accidentally :D

I like that i think nano-tech platform building system a lot! Will there be new enemy types like that on other planets? A new enemy type, nano tech, maybe like nanites, that have self constructing bases on expansion.

Re: Friday Facts #382 - Logistic groups

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2023 12:00 pm
by Shadowlords
getting major starcraft vibes from that landing pad.

now I need to make a mod pack to add in the voice lines from Startcraft.
*nuclear launch detected*

Re: Friday Facts #382 - Logistic groups

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2023 12:03 pm
by iTob
Is there a way to send stuff from one platform directly to another if they are in the same orbit? Or is the only way to achieve this, to send the items to the planet first and up in space again?

Re: Friday Facts #382 - Logistic groups

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2023 12:05 pm
by Nemoricus
Two questions:

1. Is the limit of one cargo landing pad per planet something that can be changed by mods?

2. Can other structures have a per planet limit applied by a mod?

Re: Friday Facts #382 - Logistic groups

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2023 12:06 pm
by Hares
Could you transform the logistics requests group to/from the exchange string?

Re: Friday Facts #382 - Logistic groups

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2023 12:08 pm
by Hares
Shadowlords wrote:
Fri Oct 27, 2023 12:00 pm
getting major starcraft vibes from that landing pad.

now I need to make a mod pack to add in the voice lines from Startcraft.
*nuclear launch detected*
There are already a number of RedAlert sound mods. IIRC, one of them indeed has a "Nuclear Launch Detected" (or so) voice line.

Re: Friday Facts #382 - Logistic groups

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2023 12:10 pm
by mmmPI
I really like the animation for the platform growth, it has the same feeling as the moving parts of assembly machines.

I really like the logisitic group and the ability to edit multiple constant combinators at the same time accross the map. Those 2 features being introduced even without the expansion i find is very good spirit. It is really good gameplay feature, as it can easily get rid of some tedious that existed before, and it introduces new puzzle on its own or designs possibilities.

I haven't missed the new combinators, this time no way to mistake the orange triangle for an inserter claw, it look like it is reducing something, maybe a filter combinator ? Maybe something like a sensor for the planet that would tell gravity or pressure or day-cycle ?

I like getting new pieces of information every week about the rocket and interplanetary logistic, even though it means throwing away many speculations on the way :)

I don't know about the idea of weight for items; in the rocket, it feels natural to have a limitation of some sort, having weight of item though, only makes it more visible that it is not applied anywhere else like train car or character carrying capacity, if that is still the case and not just a speculation based on incomplete information.

I don't mean it for realism (only) but also for gameplay, the "expectations" of players, when one sees "weight" and then it doesn't really behave as one would expect, it would feel like a missed opportunity, even if i don't particularly think that adding a specific behavior/limitations based on weight apart in the rocket would be desirable for gameplay, the fact that the "weight" is what represent the limitation for the rocket load create somewhat of an expectation, or at least a questionning about why weight had no implications before.

I do like the idea that it is a number though, that it is attached to every specific item, that's a lot of work to tweak many items and don't leave anything too weird, so maybe it will be used elsewhere. That open lots of possibilities/expectations that some other mechanics would be based upon it. Especially after seeing the "gravity" on different planet. Maybe an interaction with robots ? Introducing granularity with 2 tier of bot ? Sounds fun for mod to use too.

I like the limitation of 1 landing pad per planet, it will create some bottleneck area to use quality item in priority and interesting space-limited puzzle of trying to maximize throughput. I feel like those would be train transfer area in megabases :) Maybe it is possible to move the landing pad without destroying it and rebuilding somewhere else. It could yield some fun design where instead of moving item around, one move the landing pad in trains and re-build it where needed :)

I like the idea that blue science is the tech at which one can go to space like in the more modern iteration of SE mod, as if it was kept as before it would be too long before getting there. I don't mind the removal of rocket control units in the vanilla game to make room for more versatile item hopefully with a bigger stack size !

Re: Friday Facts #382 - Logistic groups

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2023 12:13 pm
by scarhoof
When you mentioned that a 'stack' of Uranium was enough to research 1000 science, I figured there would be some serious limits on what we could send to space. I was guessing 1 stack, but this weight restriction is interesting. Can't wait to see how it works on other planet's gravity!

Question: Is there a way to have logistics requests be transferred between games and/or installations?

I play on two different computers (desktop at home and laptop on the go) and I noticed blueprints don't transfer between the games unless I put them into the "game" blueprints before I move over the save. I would love the logistics requests to be set to a blueprint somehow so they can be moved around and not have to be manually setup between games at least. Ideally, saved to your account would be even better.

Re: Friday Facts #382 - Logistic groups

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2023 12:20 pm
by Tooster
mmmPI wrote:
Fri Oct 27, 2023 12:10 pm

I haven't missed the new combinators, this time no way to mistake the orange triangle for an inserter claw, it look like it is reducing something, maybe a filter combinator ? Maybe something like a sensor for the planet that would tell gravity or pressure or day-cycle ?
Good easter egg find :P Another one discovered besides the #380's redo button ;)

Re: Friday Facts #382 - Logistic groups

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2023 12:25 pm
by aka13
I like it a lot, it's all the QoL stuff that has been "missing" and was improved by all the different mods around SE.
Thank you for posting!
Really curious, if circuit network changes are coming to trains, judging by the last screenshot, and to disable bots, preventing flame-death.

Re: Friday Facts #382 - Logistic groups

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2023 12:37 pm
by tolomea
A thought on recycling and weight.
Maybe the weight difference should be a multiplier on recycling yield.
If 20kgs of stuff went in to making the item, but the item only weighs 18kgs then 2kg were lost in the assembly process.
So absolute best you can only get 18kgs of ingredients back. Which could be done as a 90% (18/20) random chance on each ingredient.

Re: Friday Facts #382 - Logistic groups

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2023 12:38 pm
by mmmPI
Galapagon wrote:
Fri Oct 27, 2023 11:46 am
I'm still very concerned that much of the multiplayer aspect will be even more isolated with the remote view changes. It already seems like everyone is just standing around not doing anything late game, because we're doing everything remotely with bots.

I feel like we'll have to ask constantly what someone is working on if we want to help or divide roles.
Could at least a remote view indicator on the map be possible? The the map would at least show me what someone was looking at. I think the better option would be a switch to different player view though.
To me it feels like you describe late game because people either don't really know what to add in a functionning large base that wouldn't take a few hours, so they stand and watch when they are not familiar with the server/community. I feel like (random) people are much more likely to join a game that has 30 hours or less of playtime because it's more dynamic.

Anyway , i agree that it would be nice to know if someone is afk since 20 minutes or just trying to find the source of a problem in map view, or doing blueprints, or looking at what other player are doing.

Maybe it is possible to display it next to the player name in multiplayer ? , something in parenthesis after the name such as Player1(map-view) or Player2(research-tree). It's not as precise at seeing what was looked at exactly, but a smaller version with the same goal of sharing informations about what player are seeing.
Tooster wrote:
Fri Oct 27, 2023 12:20 pm
Good easter egg find :P Another one discovered besides the #380's redo button ;)
thanks ! hehehe I went back to the 380 and there wasn't this combinator in the picture of the crafting tab, at this point i assume they are no longer easter egg, but more a deliberate strategy of releasing information under the form of a puzzle to keep some who'd wished busy with piecing them together :)

Re: Friday Facts #382 - Logistic groups

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2023 12:43 pm
by LDJ
Hares wrote:
Fri Oct 27, 2023 12:06 pm
Could you transform the logistics requests group to/from the exchange string?
And for me the next logical question is: Can logistic-groups be handled like blueprints? Or as an alternative, maybe i can blueprint a constant combinator that holds the logistic group definitions.

Re: Friday Facts #382 - Logistic groups

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2023 1:17 pm
by Artorias
Do we see a rocket landing at the pad or are the transported items just there and inserters take them out?

Re: Friday Facts #382 - Logistic groups

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2023 1:23 pm
by morsk
Logistic groups are letting us broadcast combinator signals, but it requires manual labor in the UI to do the broadcast. Since the feature is 50% of the way there, I'm guessing the 3rd combinator is some kind of broadcast/receiver that can be automated.

Some people fake it by running wires across their entire train grid "for free", but it still bloats the map data and is unnecessarily annoying, and it wouldn't work across planets.

Re: Friday Facts #382 - Logistic groups

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2023 1:23 pm
by Rebmes
This looks like some great strides forward!

Re: Friday Facts #382 - Logistic groups

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2023 1:31 pm
by adam_bise
Nice! The space platform expansion animation is sick!

Love the logistic groups!

Re: Friday Facts #382 - Logistic groups

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2023 1:46 pm
by thermomug
The logistic groups sound really awesome, micro-managing requests really inhibited me from utilizing the full potential of personal logistics.
Some items should be too heavy to even transport as a whole. The idea of transferring a whole rocket silo inside a rocket is too much even for Factorio.
I mean ... we have been transporting whole subfactories, huge nuclear power plants , outputs and stacks of silos in our pockets, so I don't really understand this comparison ... :D

Weight system: I hope that this is expanded upon the train system, to make train builds and -optimization more diverse and challenging. But with a different "axiom": Where the rocket is weight limited, the trains should be space-limited:
factorio_train_weight.jpg (624.6 KiB) Viewed 4509 times

The weight of the items would then be added to the weights of the locos/wagons for the final acceleration calculation.

Further diversificaion of wagons and locos in the sense of a speed/acceleration trade-off could also be neat.

Also, I can't wait to learn what this little guy is all about:
fff-382-orbital-request-gui.png (5.31 KiB) Viewed 4509 times

Haven't touched serious circuit designs yet, but soon it might be the right time!

Re: Friday Facts #382 - Logistic groups

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2023 1:55 pm
by flame_Sla
Questions about logistics groups:
1) is it possible to save/restore?
2) is there protection against greifer? (the admin can find out which of the players deleted everything?)
3) are there global and local(only the owner player sees) groups?

Re: Friday Facts #382 - Logistic groups

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2023 2:06 pm
by Amarula
husnikadam wrote:
Fri Oct 27, 2023 11:20 am
Presumably different planets have different gravity. With that, items would have different weights. Do the item weights change on different planets? Is the rocket capacity still 1000kgs everywhere?
It is true that items will have different weights. However, even though it is called weight, the measure is kilograms, which means mass. The mass of the items will not change, even though the weight changes due to gravity: W = m * g. So I would expect that changing planets will have no effect on the 'weight' restriction of the rocket.