Friday Facts #135 - Getting Organized

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Friday Facts #135 - Getting Organized

Post by slpwnd »

Read about how we try to cope with slowly growing as a company:

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Re: Friday Facts #135 - Getting Organized

Post by Sinnersaix »

The Flamer Turret looks Pipe-feeded, not with Flamerfuel?

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Re: Friday Facts #135 - Getting Organized

Post by Ojelle »

Nice, third tower ^^ Really looking forward to it!
Choumiko wrote:
sillyfly wrote:kovarex just posted the thread... but with #118 in the title. I think they had too much beer :D
It's a wonder how good the game is, if you consider how bad they are with the FFF numbers :mrgreen:

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Re: Friday Facts #135 - Getting Organized

Post by StanFear »

hey, does the always on flame from the flame trhower will consume a bit of fuel ? (I think it would make sense but could be a huge disaster if no more fuel is available because of it)

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Re: Friday Facts #135 - Getting Organized

Post by hobarrera »

Regarding your request for ideas on code review tools: Workflows that include pull requests (eg: gitlab workflow, github workflow, etc), implicitly include code review for all your code.

If you're not using something like that right now, I'd really recommend giving GitLab a try.

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Re: Friday Facts #135 - Getting Organized

Post by Proxy »

The Art-Work is amazing as always.
and the Pipe is for the fuel i guess.
i thought you just put Flamer thrower Ammo in it, like a Gun Turret with Gun Ammo.

one thing: was it just me or were the Forum and the Main site down, or atleast really laggy/took long to load?

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Re: Friday Facts #135 - Getting Organized

Post by Klonan »

Proxy wrote: one thing: was it just me or were the Forum and the Main site down, or atleast really laggy/took long to load?
Yep there seems to be some connectivity issues with our CDN, but nothing we can do about it unfortunately

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Re: Friday Facts #135 - Getting Organized

Post by DerivePi »

Recently finished reading Ed Catmull's book "Creativity Inc" about building the creative climate at Pixar. He provides some insight for how Pixar has been able to prevent management from overtaking creativity. In particular is the discussion on the critiquing sessions and the protection of new, innovative ideas. Wube is not there yet, but I think that should be your thinking and direction.

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Re: Friday Facts #135 - Getting Organized

Post by Ratzap »

I hope your scrum master keeps a tight reign. Everywhere I've been in the last few years (I do short contract work) that used scrums (the standup meetings) suffered from the same problem: one or more people who just keep on talking. Constant comments, interruptions, discussions and plain long winded bollocks - the scrum master needs to rule with an iron fist or you end up standing there forever.

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Re: Friday Facts #135 - Getting Organized

Post by Smarty »

Love the new Flamethrower turret.

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Re: Friday Facts #135 - Getting Organized

Post by Xterminator »

I enjoyed the change of context for this FF actually. I TN no the direction for organization and managing and such that your going towards is good. Especially the short discussion/presentation thing will probably help quite a bit.

Also, that flamethrower turret looks awesome! :D Can't wait to try out the new flame mechanics and having burning biters running around catching other stuff on fire. Lol
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Re: Friday Facts #135 - Getting Organized

Post by zvezdaburya »

Looks like the turret has to be connected to pipes, thats awesome. I love the design!

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Re: Friday Facts #135 - Getting Organized

Post by mngrif »


Thank you so much! I'm a huge fan of flamethrowers in the game and am quite glad they're getting attention.
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Re: Friday Facts #135 - Getting Organized

Post by alan2here »

Can I provide the flammable material to it with a pipe?

I love the way the fire has dynamics, can it get even more dynamic? ... _flame.png

I've always loved simple generated content and it can be very simple and reasonably performant, involving many tiny particles, and/or video feedback like effects, perhaps with pixel shaders, and/or cellular automata like structures, and/or convolutions, or even think "how would I draw this by hand" and model that process, and can be much simpler than would occur in reality, even being abstract on purpose, and look even more dramatic :)
Last edited by alan2here on Fri Apr 22, 2016 5:21 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Friday Facts #135 - Getting Organized

Post by Havoc_mayhem »

If these turrets are going to need fuel piped in, can we please get liquid tankers to go along with them? Or at least the ability to barrel up the necessary fuel.

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Re: Friday Facts #135 - Getting Organized

Post by rfvgyhn »

In addition to what hobarrera said, hooking up your source control events (commits, closing issues, merge/pull requests, builds, etc...) to a chat service like mattermost/slack can give a lot of insight to what the team is working on without a lot of effort.

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Getting Organized--Code Reviewing

Post by CoderBug »

Another thing we intend to improve in this area (overlapping with the next area) is the code reviewing process. At the moment most of the code reviewing is done by Michal in a kind of random manner (he reads some commits but not all of them). The goal would be to have code reviewing across the team. We are still looking for a simple and efficient tool to achieve this (let us know if you have any recommendations).
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Re: Friday Facts #135 - Getting Organized

Post by mngrif »

rfvgyhn wrote:In addition to what hobarrera said, hooking up your source control events (commits, closing issues, merge/pull requests, builds, etc...) to a chat service like mattermost/slack can give a lot of insight to what the team is working on without a lot of effort.
A "commitbot" like those are extremely helpful, at least in small open source projects where there literally is no management. The Dronin folks in particular make great use of it, #dronin on freenode to see it in action.
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Re: Friday Facts #135 - Getting Organized

Post by Khaylain »

It's awesome to get an update on the 2behind the scenes" of game development. Helps people who are interested in working with game development gain some insight without needing to get neck deep.

I love the flame turret art, and the idea of flamethrower turrets. I hope that'll be an AOE turret. Keep up the good work.

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Re: Friday Facts #135 - Getting Organized

Post by mrtux »

Maybe this is something for you:

It takes a moment to get used to the platform, but everything needed for scrum is in there.
If only my thesis could be done in Factorio …

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