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Friday Facts #414 - Spoils of Agriculture

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2024 11:00 am
by FactorioBot

Re: Friday Facts #414 - Spoils of Agriculture

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2024 11:07 am
by jamezhall
Seeing all this wonderful art makes me wish that there was an assembler redesign! 10/10 update. Looking forward to playing it.

Re: Friday Facts #414 - Spoils of Agriculture

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2024 11:08 am
by svalorzen
Extremely cool! It really does sound like a different but very interesting mechanic to optimize against. Can't wait until release!

Re: Friday Facts #414 - Spoils of Agriculture

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2024 11:09 am
by whitepawne4
these science packs are going to be a nightmare to get the ratios right

Re: Friday Facts #414 - Spoils of Agriculture

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2024 11:16 am
by Raphaello
That's a good new mechanic, looking forward to optimize this :)
I can only hope Nauvis will also get a visual overhaul to put it on par with the new planets.

Re: Friday Facts #414 - Spoils of Agriculture

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2024 11:19 am
by glee8e
Are those special landfills usable on nauvis?

Re: Friday Facts #414 - Spoils of Agriculture

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2024 11:22 am
by malecord
Interesting... I had half a feeling that you would introduce spoilable items on a planet, although I was thinking to chemical stuff to be transported from zone to another zone rather than organics. But I never thought though that you would even make science packs spoilable.

The question then comes spontanous? Wouldn't make sense to setup all research labs on Gleba? Or in Gleba orbit?

Re: Friday Facts #414 - Spoils of Agriculture

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2024 11:24 am
by idgod
Yeah, seems like you have to put every lab onto gleba, if you need the science for a specific technology. Looking the spoil rate of the science packs, you can't even send them to orbit in time.

Re: Friday Facts #414 - Spoils of Agriculture

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2024 11:26 am
by Justderpingalong
You've given us farming... but can we get fishing? (I want a fishing minigame in my factory simulator. Don't judge).

Also, is the train logic going to prioritize trains with 'spoilable' cargo? If not by default, could we perhaps get a way to do it via circuits? (reading train cargo as it passes through a signal?)

Re: Friday Facts #414 - Spoils of Agriculture

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2024 11:26 am
by GregoriusT
How about instead of moving the easily spoilable Science Packs to Nauvis, we instead move all the other Science Packs to Gleba! /jk

Re: Friday Facts #414 - Spoils of Agriculture

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2024 11:30 am
by GregoriusT
Okay what happens if an Item spoils while being in the Input Slot of an Assembler or so? Does it disappear or does it brick the Machine like damaged Walls do for Mil Sci Packs?

Re: Friday Facts #414 - Spoils of Agriculture

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2024 11:32 am
by AstroEngineer
I think I will like the spoil mechanic.

I still do not like how some parts of Gleba terrain looks. Everything that looks slimy and bubbly, half-dead and warty is really repulsive. Some parts will trigger trypophobia. It's designed to be disgusting in an alien way. It doesn't have to be that way. It could also look interesting and appealing in an alien way.

Re: Friday Facts #414 - Spoils of Agriculture

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2024 11:37 am
by mmmPI
Waow that's a lot of "new" already for this planet :) with the 2 buildings and the freshness mechanism and several still unknown items !

I like how the tower has a "claw" like it's going to nicely pick up the fruits or plant a seed, but a bit less when it destroy the whole tree instead. Maybe it could rotate when doing the destruction action ? just the tip of the claw, to mimic something that would shred a tree in pieces...

The fact that it can interact with tiles outside its ground footprint is very unexepected to me and a good surprise. I like the general movement similar to crane, and the expansion of the arm and the glass room at the bootom, i think it overall look very impressive. I'm wondering if it can be used to plant trees in Nauvis now x), maybe some mods could use it ?

The freshness mechanism i suspect is going to be source of critics x) , it sound like it make the game "more difficult" with the time constraint on processing the materials. I'm sure it will be well balanced in the end, but also that many players ( at least me) will want to tweak the values because you can't find one set that pleases everyone on every game. Do fish have a freshness bar now ? because that's an item i'd expect to have one now :D

And still no creature in sight, this planet reserve plenty of misteries still, it's very teasing, maybe next week ? :)

Re: Friday Facts #414 - Spoils of Agriculture

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2024 11:41 am
by JackTheSpades
Very interesting.
I feel that Factorio has always taken measures to make sure the Engineer can't actively reduce pollution, only limit its output. Which is why trees don't regrow or spread and why landfill has zero absorption.

Yet, I feel it would be nice if there was a well balanced way of countering pollution using technology from Gleba.

Spoiling is an interesting mechanic but I wonder what will happen if the factory is at standstill for a moment and my entire belt of ingredients spoils away. I guess I'll just have to have a processing plant for spoiled goods at the end of every belt? Or perhaps loop them around to make sure all the spoils are picked up.
Perhaps some combination with logistic bots to have them automatically pick stuff up from belts?

Lastly, once again, please also make it possible to automatically process wood into something other than just burning it.
Since construction bots actively harvest wood (at a point in the game where you are long past needing wood for anything) it just accumulates in my logistic chests and all I can do is burn it.

Re: Friday Facts #414 - Spoils of Agriculture

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2024 11:42 am
by SnowZyDe
What a Farm . Please stop it. Maybe you'll start frying some more fish?

Re: Friday Facts #414 - Spoils of Agriculture

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2024 11:43 am
by Maddhawk
Gleba is giving me serious vibes of 90's Command & Conquer. The FFF from last week made me think of C&C: Tiberian Sun. This week it has me thinking of C&C: Red Alert 2 - Yuri's Revenge.

Re: Friday Facts #414 - Spoils of Agriculture

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2024 11:48 am
by theolegest
AstroEngineer wrote:
Fri Jun 07, 2024 11:32 am
I still do not like how some parts of Gleba terrain looks. Everything that looks slimy and bubbly, half-dead and warty is really repulsive. Some parts will trigger trypophobia. It's designed to be disgusting in an alien way. It doesn't have to be that way. It could also look interesting and appealing in an alien way.
That's intentional, so the player is incentivized to destroy and pave over it even more!

Re: Friday Facts #414 - Spoils of Agriculture

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2024 11:50 am
by thepixelcode
Since we got farming, will we also get fishing and cattle raising?
The wait for the release date is unbearable...
Also please I want to freeze and chemically enrich my organics to make it less spoilable

Re: Friday Facts #414 - Spoils of Agriculture

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2024 11:50 am
by ema
I tend to put buffers everywhere even if it doesn't make much sense. Spoilage is not the mechanic I want but perhaps the mechanic I need.

Re: Friday Facts #414 - Spoils of Agriculture

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2024 11:51 am
by malecord
Also forgot to add... it looks strange that you have to destroy the tree alltogether in order to gather the fruits. If you go that route you should not use trees but something else, like mushrooms or whatever.