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Re: Friday Facts #413 - Gleba

Posted: Fri May 31, 2024 9:20 pm
by Ron_Quiney
Does your lead artist have trypo-fetish?
As someone who is suffering from trypophobia — base game nests are already somewhat uncomfortable to look at, but it's manageable.
Even some item icons in the past were triggering it. I'm thankful that they were updated.
But looking at this planet outright makes me panic and causes my whole body to itch.
I hope you will consider not causing anxiety in such an otherwise relaxing game for the folks like me (Roughly 14% of people worldwide ) before finalizing flora artwork.

Re: Friday Facts #413 - Gleba

Posted: Fri May 31, 2024 9:35 pm
by CyberCider
gGeorg wrote:
Fri May 31, 2024 3:15 pm
Looks very alienic and organic.
Game play map of new worlds is way smaller than orriginal one ?
When you talk about red area, it means you can travel around the world? I mean go to east from you base then you travel around globe so after while come to base again ?
What about enemies ?
All the planets will be “infinite” like the current map

Re: Friday Facts #413 - Gleba

Posted: Fri May 31, 2024 9:48 pm
by jfxjj
The bio planet really deserves some sort of new alien beasts instead of regular biters/spitters.
Could be something inspired by StarCraft's zergs, maybe some mutalisks or banelings or an occasional nydus worm :)

Also it would be really cool to have some sort of the active pollution removal.
Because currently if you want to try "eco-friendly" style, the only option you have is to place the machines in huge distances between them, in order to let the tiles to slowly absorb the pollution, and current absorption speed is insanely slow. The trees do absorb faster, but for the large factory this is unreliable: you can't guarantee presence of trees in certain area, you can't grow them, and lastly, by the time when you can afford "eco-friendliness" they are likely mostly gone :)

Re: Friday Facts #413 - Gleba

Posted: Fri May 31, 2024 11:26 pm
by adam_bise
Looks cool! Reminds me of Eastmarch in Skyrim kinda.

I wonder if the purple / red areas of the map will affect gameplay such as acid pools. I do hope the new rain resembles red acid rain like Vain in Kenshi.

The new monster teases are killing me! I've been waiting for new enemy reveals since the beginning! :P

Re: Friday Facts #413 - Gleba

Posted: Fri May 31, 2024 11:34 pm
by JustSmileMan
Ya'll really just named this planet a Polish slang term for "ground". 10/10 gonna buy for sure.

Re: Friday Facts #413 - Gleba

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2024 12:58 am
by Stalinlover22
Great FFF! I can't wait to see what will be the main structure of this plamet!.There will be consequences for trigger the local fauna??

Re: Friday Facts #413 - Gleba

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2024 3:55 am
by mocore
I like the idea, hoping for a lively planet with little birds and lizards.
But please don’t make the flora too alien, especially colors.

The blue trees on Nauvis have always bothered me.

Re: Friday Facts #413 - Gleba

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2024 4:10 am
by Rubeus
Forget concrete - I can't wait to see the polution effects and damage to this wonderful biome. It looks like a "Target-rich environment", if you will.

But more importantly... "Gleebah"? "Glehbuh"? "Glehbay"? "Glaybay"? "Glehbah"?

Re: Friday Facts #413 - Gleba

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2024 4:46 am
by Avezo
Looks nice but I'm missing Jungle wibe, it's Fungish, Algaeish, but not very Junglish. Large ferns like on ancient Earth could be nice addition too.

Re: Friday Facts #413 - Gleba

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2024 5:19 am
by AstroEngineer
I'm sorry but it looks repulsive :(

It's inspired by thigs on earth that are repulsive to humans.

Re: Friday Facts #413 - Gleba

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2024 5:20 am
by bnrom
Nice planet! I can see why the art is still in progress: not making something generic takes a lot more work, and multi-colored fungal/undersea theme is definitely more ambitious, impressive, and distinct than a green jungle!

I'd far rather have the right Factorio than a rushed Factorio! No worries if you need more time to get it perfect. I don't think there is a need to announce a release date until you feel confident. Time to make big changes paid off for Fulgora, and it might pay off again (not that Gleba doesn't already look cool!)

Hoping we get some of the Gleba mechanics next week!

Re: Friday Facts #413 - Gleba

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2024 7:35 am
by Horatio
If you liked Gleba and are looking forward to it, I suggest you try watching the latest cartoon "Scavengers Reign". No more information. This will allow you to work up an appetite before eating.
I'm not ruling out a few things:
1. Slime mold that will attack us.
2. Will it have construction mechanics like a space platform? Neighboring cells are connected into one structure.
3. Will he be extremely unhappy with the pollution, or will he love it?
4. The soreness of the red area also raises questions. Maybe pollution will increase it, and it will give birth to more and more terrible creatures?
5. 100% we will have to take this planet into account and reduce pollution or we will be fired.
Is the slime mold taking over our buildings and digesting them? It is extremely difficult to kill; it constantly divides into new cells. Does the number of cells depend on the absorbed contaminant?
Engineers! The Labor Safety Committee does not recommend that you pollute the red zones of Gleba!
We need to drain areas in order to build, to prevent the red zone from growing, and also to stop the water people from sending us elephants. Drained areas will spawn mushrooms - mushrooms are harmful. The rain may increase due to pollution. Dirty rain increases the red zones, the red zones put pressure on the normal zones and then the elephants come. Or the red zones themselves attack, as I wrote earlier.

Re: Friday Facts #413 - Gleba

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2024 7:36 am
by Dinamittin
It looks already amazing! well done!

As a game mechanic maybe it would be interesting to have a building to push back the constant organic growth that slowly consumes and corrodes your factory. You have to adapt your usual designs to this new building that has to be built wherever the factory expands. That would be a challenge.

Re: Friday Facts #413 - Gleba

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2024 8:15 am
by Koub
Absolutely love this one too.
It gives the alien vibe I feel when I see first half of the Paleozoic landscapes re imagined. Anywhere from the Cambrian, even maybe Precambrian, all the way to the Silurian, maybe Devonian period.

When I hear the stomp et the end, I think :
stomp stomp

Re: Friday Facts #413 - Gleba

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2024 4:57 pm
by CyberCider
JustSmileMan wrote:
Fri May 31, 2024 11:34 pm
Ya'll really just named this planet a Polish slang term for "ground". 10/10 gonna buy for sure.
Well, the name of our own planet is also a word for “ground” :lol:

Re: Friday Facts #413 - Gleba

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2024 6:29 pm
by malecord
“I had a feeling that in hell there would be mushrooms.” cit.

Btw, gleba is latin word of course. After all Poland cannot into space.

Re: Friday Facts #413 - Gleba

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2024 6:49 pm
by aka13
I hope there won't be taint mechanics, they are usually very tedious.
Although the biters themselves are taint in a way, and I don't find them tedious :D.

Has some scorn/Giger vibes, which is very cool/interesting.

Re: Friday Facts #413 - Gleba

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2024 7:10 pm
by pleegwat
CyberCider wrote:
Sat Jun 01, 2024 4:57 pm
JustSmileMan wrote:
Fri May 31, 2024 11:34 pm
Ya'll really just named this planet a Polish slang term for "ground". 10/10 gonna buy for sure.
Well, the name of our own planet is also a word for “ground” :lol:
If a story wants to be posh, they call our world terra. Which is Latin for ground.

Re: Friday Facts #413 - Gleba

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2024 7:53 pm
by TheComputerLurker
Ooooh! I do love a bio-planet! Very cool, very alien.

I also really enjoy that soundtrack, I could listen to it all day.

I certainly have thoughts:

Definitely feels like somewhere where polluting a lot has Big Consequences, and where building might get complicated, like your buildings getting filled with gunk and spores, or perhaps you need to concrete the squishier parts of the ground if you want to build there. Or you getting spored if you try to cut down the giant fungus, or stung when cutting the jellyfish-looking trees - the planet introduction says those things have "stinging fronds" (and perhaps, they don't care what they sting: enemies who run into the jellyfish-trees also get damaged).

Maybe even that there's a balance to strike here, where dying parts of the planet produces its own version of "pollution", but harmful to you instead - toxic clouds of rot and gas that damage you and contaminate your buildings. The more you let the planet be and don't smother it in landfill/concrete, the less decay you get slapped with.

Re: Friday Facts #413 - Gleba

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2024 8:53 pm
by NorwegianVIking
Rubeus wrote:
Sat Jun 01, 2024 4:10 am
Forget concrete - I can't wait to see the polution effects and damage to this wonderful biome. It looks like a "Target-rich environment", if you will.

But more importantly... "Gleebah"? "Glehbuh"? "Glehbay"? "Glaybay"? "Glehbah"?
This is how it's pronounced in the original polish:

(Forvo is a great place to find native pronunciations of workds in any language)