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Fortnite Map

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2018 9:09 pm
by NetVector17
Can someone please make a Fortnite map, i would be so grateful, i would do it myself but i dont have the time. If there already is a map, i would love the exchange string.

Re: Fortnite Map

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2018 8:38 pm
by lilstrip

Re: Fortnite Map

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2018 8:31 pm
by xZippy

Logic: -4/10

Re: Fortnite Map

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2018 4:45 pm
by lilstrip
I mean, what would a fornite map even be?!? What kind of request is this anyway xD

I really hope this is a troll because honestly you shouldnt spend time.on the forum if you will just make a post that spams the thread with an honestly pointless request lol

Re: Fortnite Map

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2018 5:25 pm
by Oktokolo
lilstrip wrote: Thu Nov 29, 2018 4:45 pm I mean, what would a fornite map even be?!? What kind of request is this anyway xD
Sounds like a PvP map wich shrinks over time. That would resemble the most popular Fortnite play mode wich is called "Battle Royale" and basically is just the last man standing mode combined with a shrinking play area.
lilstrip wrote: Thu Nov 29, 2018 4:45 pm I really hope this is a troll because honestly you shouldnt spend time.on the forum if you will just make a post that spams the thread with an honestly pointless request lol
PvP is a thing in Factorio. Limited maps are a thing too. Shrinking maps combined with PvP - well, why not.
Also he did create a new thread instead of adding to another.

I am pretty sure, making a Battle Royale map is possible in Factorio.
The most easy and cheap method would likely be to have a zone damaging contained entities surrounding the play area and growing towards the center of the map - either continuosly or triggered by some events (research, kills, not meeting some production goal...).
One could even reuse desert tiles for that zone and ensure, that the map is generated without any desert tiles at start.

Most work woukld be the script that damages entities in the kill zone. For short games, UPS hit of naive approaches (like: every Nth tick get all entities, subtract entities in safe radius, damage remaining entities) might be small enough. For longer lasting games with larger bases and more entities the logic surely needs more work though.
One could limit the damage to players only. That would decouple the performance requirement from the amount of entities in the game.

Could also be a nice addition to allow for the hurt zone to retract back away from the map center - enlarging the play field - when players reach some goal. So there would be the possibility to enlarge the play field (either untill it reaches the edges of a limited map or indefinitely on an infinite map).

A Battle Royale map might even be fun in PvE multiplayer, where players would need to rush to the rocket before the hurt zone kills them. They would also be constantly pressed by biters wich are immune to the hurt zone and use it as protection against raiding players (so perimeter cleaning is not an option).

That said: I do not have the time to make such a map/mod. But if someone decides to make one and hosts a coop PvE, i would like to try the result.

Re: Fortnite Map

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2018 9:48 pm
by lilstrip
well a battle royal "might" work out but eh... might as well go play fortnite.

Re: Fortnite Map

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2019 10:43 pm
by Cynthia1990
There are 13 rifts on the Fortnite map in season 7, with 11 normal rifts and two infinite rifts. The location changes with the beginning of every new season.

Re: Fortnite Map

Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2019 12:50 pm
by TCM2
A fortnite map in factorio? Why?

Re: Fortnite Map

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2024 2:08 pm
by skellykenz
Yes! I want to play factorio on the fortnite world. I don't want fortnite rules just the fortnite world with all it's cliffs and trees and biomes.