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[0.12.x] PvP Scenarios

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2015 12:18 am
by Klonan
Hello all!

I will be updating this thread more when I release more stuff!


This is my latest scenario, Orange vs Purple:
New PvP scenario, much better, 2 teams, sets starting area, clears out biters, stable
(22.13 KiB) Downloaded 2193 times
This is PvP where you have to destroy the enemy roboport:
(24.49 KiB) Downloaded 772 times
It is much more advanced and better in general that the Red vs Blue,
I Hope you all enjoy

To install just unzip the folder and put it in the scenarios folder

For now my initial release is a 2-team PvP scenario
updated for 0.12.11+
--For version 0.12.11+
(1.63 KiB) Downloaded 1026 times

When you spawn you will be prompted to choose a team. When this is done you will be teleported to your teams spawn location and given your equipment. Good hunting!

Map is generated as a normal new map would be.

Any suggestions/requests/comments please let me know!

I will most definitely be releasing a greater variety of PvP scenario, so watch this page :]

New Map!
For 0.12.11+
(294.76 KiB) Downloaded 688 times
This map is a custom close spawn map, i added a score counter in the top left to count the number of launches each team has sucessfully made!
It has a market for buying items, and you start with a good amount of gear.

Let me know what you all think
Old releases

[0.12.x] PvP Scenarios - map example

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2015 4:49 am
by HeilTec
This is a great idea. Having watched the tutorial video I commenced trying to make a map.

Of the maps created none seemed fair in starting positions.

Looking into the code I found that it could be written for easier reconfiguration of starting_inventory.

Then It occurred to me that the script could be edited after the map was generated to set a more fair set of starting locations.
Loaded a new map first entering blue team. Moving to a fair location and getting coordinates from debug screen (F5)
- rinse and repeat for red team.
Extract "control.lua" from save game - edit coords - re-compress into save game .zip

This is the result of the effort:
Map with changed starting positions.
(764.89 KiB) Downloaded 723 times

Re: [0.12.x] PvP Scenarios - map example

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2015 1:32 pm
by Klonan
HeilTec wrote:This is a great idea. Having watched the tutorial video I commenced trying to make a map.

Of the maps created none seemed fair in starting positions.

Looking into the code I found that it could be written for easier reconfiguration of starting_inventory.

Then It occurred to me that the script could be edited after the map was generated to set a more fair set of starting locations.
Loaded a new map first entering blue team. Moving to a fair location and getting coordinates from debug screen (F5)
- rinse and repeat for red team.
Extract "control.lua" from save game - edit coords - re-compress into save game .zip

This is the result of the effort:
Yep i need to work on a lot of additional stuff, one of my items to do is clear out biters around the spawn locations in a certain radius, work on a diplomacy menu and much more.

I have a map that is almost ready, but i need to wait for version 0.12.5 for me to finish off one of the features, but hopefully i will be able to release it this evening
Sneak peek of map
It actually my old PvP map for version 0.11, but i have updated it and tweaked it for a 0.12 release ;)

Re: [0.12.x] PvP Scenarios

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2015 10:36 pm
by Klonan
I have updated the OP with a new release. a custom map with a new score mechanism the ROCKET SCORE!

I may update the original release to include this score mechanism... Stay tuned!

Re: [0.12.x] PvP Scenarios

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2015 11:31 pm
by HeilTec
I'd like to try the new PvP_Newlands_RvB.
How many players would be optimum?

Re: [0.12.x] PvP Scenarios

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2015 12:20 am
by Klonan
HeilTec wrote:I'd like to try the new PvP_Newlands_RvB.
How many players would be optimum?
There is space for up to 3 players on each team, if you wall want your own base area, but more or less players will work absolutely fine.
I think 2v2 is a good number for an interesting game :)

Re: [0.12.x] PvP Scenarios

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2015 2:39 am
by HeilTec
I was disappointed to be unable to ghost or use blueprint so I added these lines to the create_forces function

Code: Select all["automated-construction"].researched = true["automated-construction"].researched = true
I suppose being given bots and blueprints are not just meant to be a teaser.

Re: [0.12.x] PvP Scenarios

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2015 12:36 pm
by Klonan
HeilTec wrote:I was disappointed to be unable to ghost or use blueprint so I added these lines to the create_forces function

Code: Select all["automated-construction"].researched = true["automated-construction"].researched = true
I suppose being given bots and blueprints are not just meant to be a teaser.
haha, actually i beat you to it, i realised last night i forgot to add the proper commands so i ninja re-uploaded the scenario with them in :D

Re: [0.12.x] PvP Scenarios

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2015 6:28 pm
by saladin1980
I believe if we can get the engineers to join on this we would be able to have a play through at least with some interesting pov on the game:) as some can stream while in MP and other do not but they record..

So will put it to the group and see if we can get this up and running and put up some vids about it

Re: [0.12.x] PvP Scenarios

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2015 8:11 pm
by HeilTec
It is a hard choice - how much to buy of each.

Re: [0.12.x] PvP Scenarios

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2015 11:27 am
by Kamisoi
Only for me any of these maps aren't working? :/
I tried everything, always makes error on loading, so can't play. Or my game is bugged. Playing on 0.12.12.. Anyone can help? :/

Re: [0.12.x] PvP Scenarios

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2015 3:44 pm
by Klonan
Kamisoi wrote:Only for me any of these maps aren't working? :/
I tried everything, always makes error on loading, so can't play. Or my game is bugged. Playing on 0.12.12.. Anyone can help? :/
Hi yea there was a game update that broke the scenario, i have updated the OP with a new download that should work with 0.12.12

Let me know if you have any problem or bugs ETC.

Re: [0.12.x] PvP Scenarios

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2015 2:02 am
by Leosmellsgood
How do you start the pvp? like where do you drag the pvp file to, similar to a mod in data??

Re: [0.12.x] PvP Scenarios

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2015 2:26 am
by HeilTec
Leosmellsgood wrote:How do you start the pvp? like where do you drag the pvp file to, similar to a mod in data??
Drop the scenario file in the scenario folder.
To start a new map you start the scenario.

Re: [0.12.x] PvP Scenarios

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2016 5:39 pm
by Klonan
I have released a new scenario (Just called pvp) which is for 2 teams, and is Orange Vs Purple.

It is far better than the previous scenarios i have released.
Any bugs, comments or general inquiries, please let me know.

Re: [0.12.x] PvP Scenarios

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2016 4:31 am
by JuicyJuuce
I'm confused about how to start a new multiplayer game with this scenario. I unzipped the contents of to my Steam\SteamApps\common\Factorio\data\base\scenarios folder. However, within the game, I can't find where to start a multiplayer scenario. From the main menu I go to Play -> Multiplayer and all I see is New Game, Load Game, and Connect to Game, none of which allow me to start a scenario. If on the other hand I go to Play -> Custom scenario, it allows me to create a new game using "base/pvp" although this appears to only be a single player game.

What am I missing?

Re: [0.12.x] PvP Scenarios

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2016 11:31 am
by Klonan
JuicyJuuce wrote:
What am I missing?
Nothing, at the moment the only way to play scenarios MP is to open in single player, save them, and then load into multiplayer
I'd suggest waiting for the teams to be unlocked before saving, as sometimes the map is unsuitable (mostly lakes on team spawns) so that you will have restart the map

Re: [0.12.x] PvP Scenarios

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2016 10:00 pm
by Kalrirr
I've played a fair bit of your map but I don't understand how you're ment to get purple research going, there are no biters on orange vs purple and the market doesn't sell the alien stuff. Some help would really be appreciated!

Re: [0.12.x] PvP Scenarios

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2016 8:03 am
by waduk
Klonan, how you make the "choose team?"
I'm currently building a custom map, for single player, but i want to player to choose starting location.
I have all the needed coordinate.
So basically just teleport function, i don't need "choose team" function.

Re: [0.12.x] PvP Scenarios

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2016 11:27 am
by Klonan
waduk wrote:Klonan, how you make the "choose team?"
I'm currently building a custom map, for single player, but i want to player to choose starting location.
I have all the needed coordinate.
So basically just teleport function, i don't need "choose team" function.
This is the code i have in the gui function:

This creates the gui and buttons:

Code: Select all

function make_team_option(player)
  if player.gui.left.choose_team == nil then
    local frame = player.gui.left.add{name = "choose_team", type = "frame", direction = "vertical", caption="Choose your Team"}
          frame.add{type = "button", caption = "Join Orange Team", name = "orange"}.style.font_color = orange_color
          frame.add{type = "button", caption = "Join Purple Team", name = "purple"}.style.font_color = {r = 0.5,b = 1, g = 0.1}
          frame.add{type = "button", caption = "Check team numbers", name = "check"}.style.font_color = {r = 0.9,b = 0.9, g = 0.9}
and then this to see what button they press, and teleport the player when he clicks it:

Code: Select all

script.on_event(, function(event)
 local s = game.surfaces.nauvis
 local player = game.players[event.player_index]
  if player.gui.left.choose_team ~= nil then
    if ( == "orange") then
      player.teleport(game.forces["Orange"].get_spawn_position(s), game.surfaces.nauvis)
      player.color = orange_color
      player.force = game.forces["Orange"]
      player.insert{name="iron-plate", count=8}
      player.insert{name="pistol", count=1}
      player.insert{name="basic-bullet-magazine", count=10}
      player.insert{name="burner-mining-drill", count = 1}
      player.insert{name="stone-furnace", count = 1}    
      player.set_goal_description("Destroy the Purple Roboport")      
      for k, p in pairs (game.players) do
        p.print(" has joined team Orange")

  if player.gui.left.choose_team ~= nil then
    if ( == "purple") then
      player.teleport(game.forces["Purple"].get_spawn_position(s), game.surfaces.nauvis)
      player.color = purple_color
      player.force = game.forces["Purple"]
      player.insert{name="iron-plate", count=8}
      player.insert{name="pistol", count=1}
      player.insert{name="basic-bullet-magazine", count=10}
      player.insert{name="burner-mining-drill", count = 1}
      player.insert{name="stone-furnace", count = 1}    
      player.set_goal_description("Destroy the Orange Roboport")
      for k, p in pairs (game.players) do
        p.print(" has joined team Purple")
  if player.gui.left.choose_team ~= nil then
    if ( == "check") then
      local orange_count = 0
      local purple_count = 0
      for k, p in pairs (game.players) do
        if p.force == game.forces.Purple then purple_count = purple_count + 1 end
        if p.force == game.forces.Orange then orange_count = orange_count + 1 end
      player.print("There are "..purple_count.." Players on Purple team and "..orange_count.." Players on Orange team")