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[1.1.6] Radar Beam and Player Teleportation

Posted: Sun Dec 20, 2020 4:09 pm
by SackCFix
Hey Guys,

i have a Save-File that does really strange things:

1. Player was teleported to -106191, -13967
2. The vision of the map does not update, so everything is dark in Map and Minimap
3. Production Stats still normal and GUI workin fine
4. ...and then theres a 10 Chunk wide Radar Beam that starts at the Bottom of my Base, it goes in a perfect straight Line at a 45° Angle to the North-West. At the Point the Radar Beam is at the exact same height as your current Players Position it will then continue to only move West. A few minutes later the Radar Beam will then arrive at your Position and the surrounding Area gets filed with Decorations. But not enough, it will continue to unveil the map even further to the left. At some point though, it stops and all Radars and the Player are again working as expected.

-When in Editor-Mode, pausing the Gametime does not stop the Radar Beam
-When pausing the Game via Shift+Space Radar Beam does stop
-Save/Reload doesn't change anything
-Debug says 22032 Chunks requested right after loading the Map
-After loading all requested Chunks, everything works fine again
-Tested in 1.1.5 and 1.1.6
-All previous Maps from 1.1.1 are fine, only this Save seems corrupted
Its alive.jpg
Its alive.jpg (175.04 KiB) Viewed 1836 times
The Save-File is to big to attach it directly but the following Link hopefully works (let me know if not ;-) ) ... sp=sharing

And here's the Log-File:
(5.81 KiB) Downloaded 107 times

Re: [1.1.6] Radar Beam and Player Teleportation

Posted: Sun Dec 20, 2020 4:25 pm
by Loewchen
Did you trigger the teleportation intentionally?
If not, can you reproduce it?

Re: [1.1.6] Radar Beam and Player Teleportation

Posted: Sun Dec 20, 2020 4:58 pm
by SackCFix
No, i had no Idea what was going on when i loaded the Map the first Time. Spawned in the middle of nowhere and to get back to base i nuked myself. Luckily the base was still running an everything was fine. Except for the Radar-Update-Behavior-Thing...

For Comparison: I loaded the Map again, but this time built me a Spidertron with Reactor and Exoscelletons and let i walk back to Base. That was like 30 minutes ago and it's maybe at 1/10 of the Distance! Thats ridiculous :D

Edit: Back at Base after ~110 minutes ;)

Re: [1.1.6] Radar Beam and Player Teleportation

Posted: Sun Dec 20, 2020 7:53 pm
by Rseding91
Thanks for the report however without a way to reproduce the issue from a known working save there's nothing we can do. I don't know of any code in the game that would do that; either a mod would have to do it or a player would have to run that distance manually to cause the radar scanning to happen.