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Most entities have turned white

Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2017 9:20 pm
by chris13524
I have no idea how to reproduce this...
I'm running Ubuntu 17.04 with GNOME Shell 3.24.0. I have a second screen (Factorio is on main screen).

The whole background is moving around slowly in different directions (the wind effect?). The only entity I can see are the bots when they flow around (they have a miniature colored pattern). You can also see items and foliage through the colors as they slide across (like a small tinted window in a white wall).

Fullscreening (and unfullscreening) does not fix the issue. I did just restart the game, and that did fix it.

Re: Most entities have turned white

Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2017 9:23 pm
by posila
Thanks for the report.
Unfortunatelly, I don't think we will be ever able to figure out what caused it. I'm glad it fixed itself after restart.

Re: Most entities have turned white

Posted: Sat Apr 29, 2017 3:24 am
by chris13524
It started happening again, but this time, not the whole screen like it was before:

Very odd bug... Is there anything I would be able to do if this happens again? Perhaps a crash dump or something?

As before, it was fixed by restarting the game.

Re: Most entities have turned white

Posted: Sat Apr 29, 2017 7:05 am
by Loewchen
chris13524 wrote:It started happening again, but this time, not the whole screen like it was before:

Very odd bug... Is there anything I would be able to do if this happens again? Perhaps a crash dump or something?

As before, it was fixed by restarting the game.
That looks more like a hardware defect, post the log please.

Re: Most entities have turned white

Posted: Sat Apr 29, 2017 5:32 pm
by chris13524
I didn't see anything interesting in the log file: ... f73d30924a

I'll keep my eye on dmesg if it happens again...

Re: Most entities have turned white

Posted: Wed May 03, 2017 8:04 pm
by chris13524
After resuming my computer from suspend, Factorio was turned white again (as in the first set of screenshots).

Here's the dmesg, the first few lines are before the suspend for context, the rest are all since resuming the system: ... 725e137915 As before, nothing interesting in the Factorio log.

Looks like it could just be a faulty hardware or driver problem on my end, but it's only happening for Factorio as far as I can tell. I know how hard these things are to solve, so I can deal with the workaround. Just thought I'd keep this up-to-date as I gain more information in case there is something obvious.