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New goals?

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2015 7:34 pm
by User
I played many hours but after building the rocket defense I lost my motivation to play.
I always want a goal to reach. Are there any mods which adds a new story or a new goal like a bigger defense which needs why more resources?

Re: New goals?

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2015 11:47 pm
by DerivePi
Some of my longer term goals:
- Automated rail station - receives all inbound cargo and sorts it - determines what train is waiting and loads it with specific cargo required by that outpost using red/green circuits

- Hand in hand with the train station - sorter with overflow controls/logic

- Multi material furnace that dynamically smelts required material between iron copper steel and brick using a balancing system

- Download mod of choice and figure out how to develop the added features - ex. lava smelting, tree farm automation, etc...

Re: New goals?

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2015 8:02 am
by Phillip_Lynx
- make a factory wich produces 10 (100, 1000) Rocket defences a minute

- wait a litte more for the first 0.12. version

- make the no (little) handcraft challenge (do only minimal handcrafting and build ALL you can with factorys)

- play hardmode (if you have not done this yet)

Re: New goals?

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2015 12:01 pm
by Ohz
I recommend 4:

Phillip_Lynx wrote:- make a factory wich produces 10 (100, 1000) Rocket defences a minute
- Multiplayer - It's just awesome, like Minecraft or Don't Starve Together, it changes all the gameplay. Very easy to find mates on Evolve.

- I highly recommend Marathon. It makes everything 10x more costly, you cannot avoid any tech step. you will still using burning miners and other stone age stuff until your 10th hour of game. it takes 4 minutes and 700 iron to hand craft a steam engine, and you need 40 to 60 because solar pannel is definitely not affordable. Each building need a first thoughts, you cannot say "let's craft bunch of assembling machine whatever" nope, since you need like 1,4k of copper. lol.

- Try the biggest train network, play with settings to make ore rare and small but rich. I'm actually playing this + marathon means I probably will go to 10 outpost per ore running at the same time to keep up.

Re: New goals?

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2015 4:14 pm
by User
Thanks for your answers. Is there a evolution limit for the biters if I play that long?

Re: New goals?

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2015 5:41 pm
by Phillip_Lynx
User wrote:Thanks for your answers. Is there a evolution limit for the biters if I play that long?
I have seen maps with 90% red dots all over :)

Re: New goals?

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2015 6:27 pm
by User
ok so they spread heavily, but what is about the strength of a single biter?

Re: New goals?

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2015 8:04 pm
by Chronosfear
A single Biter in Marathon Mod isn't stronger , but you are probably weaker due to lag of military research.
Playing marathon only with a friend and we were forced to wall up with turrets with a very slow expansion speed.

Steam engines are a long time need. But remember, the fuel yield is reduced ( so your furnaces suffer from this ,too )

I strongly suggest you try this one. Its way harder but also more satisfying :P

Re: New goals?

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2015 11:36 am
by albatrosv13

Re: New goals?

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2015 3:12 am
by darkshadow1809
User wrote:Hello,
I played many hours but after building the rocket defense I lost my motivation to play.
I always want a goal to reach. Are there any mods which adds a new story or a new goal like a bigger defense which needs why more resources?
You want a CHALLENGE!? then i would really recommend checking out my hardcore modpack :P Its NOT for the faint of heart! and if its to much you can just switch to the normal modpack to have a more relaxed experience :) But challenging! more then vanilla so. Adds a bunch of new content and has alot more enemies! I encourage you to check it out :) ! Promise you it wont be boring!

and uh.. new goals being? SURVIVE!