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Factorio in Linux VM (virtualbox)?

Posted: Sat May 04, 2019 7:51 am
by H8UL
I have desync reports from players which appears to be a Windows vs Linux issue. Before I report it or make the big changes I suspect I need, I want to do some of my own testing to confirm which versions of Factorio are affected, and if it really is a Windows vs Linux thing.

I'm thinking then, to use virtualbox to run Factorio, as I don't really want to partition my personal machine for the purposes of testing a mod.

Headless might be enough, it might not though, so being able to play would be ideal.

Anybody any experiences with this?

Re: Factorio in Linux VM (virtualbox)?

Posted: Sat May 04, 2019 8:28 am
by mrudat
Linux on windows works just fine with virtualbox, hyper-v, vmware, qemu, ... and possibly others, but I've used each of those before.

No idea if there's any limitations with running factorio that way, but there shouldn't be.

Most also support 3D acceleration, but it would probably be better to have the server in the VM, and the client native.

Re: Factorio in Linux VM (virtualbox)?

Posted: Sat May 04, 2019 11:21 pm
by H8UL
Ah sorry I wasn't clear, I've run Linux VMs inside Windows many times for work purposes, I'm wondering specifically about Factorio.

I guess I can just try it but these things come with a lot of junk especially around host network adapters. Not really a project I want to take on with my personal gaming machine just to find out that it's a waste of time.

It's all with a heavy heart to be honest. I've got to hunt low level issues with no debugger and no testing utilities in a situation that might well have nothing to do with the OS after all!

Re: Factorio in Linux VM (virtualbox)?

Posted: Mon May 06, 2019 9:33 am
by H8UL
Well, so it does work with guest additions installed on latest Ubuntu, and using VBoxSVGA as the graphics emulation.

Loading sprites on default settings is pretty brutal but works. Can probably be improved, but it is good enough for debugging.