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[Guide] Modding and Scripting changes in 0.3.0

Posted: Sat Mar 30, 2013 12:09 am
by slpwnd
There is an introduction into the modding in 0.3.0 at ... g_overview. Basically we redone a lot of things to make mods more self-sustained and stackable. The pre 0.3.0 mods are not compatible with the >= 0.3.0 release! Also changing the mods to match the 0.3.0 specs is not that bad (we have migrated all the data in the game to mee the new specs).

* The event registering mechanism has been changed in the 0.3.0 and it is not compatible with the old mechanism. You can read the details at the
* We have introduced a new mechanism for communications between multiple scripts from different mods. This is called Script interfaces and you can read more about it on the wiki: ... interfaces

Re: [Guide] Modding in 0.3.0 introduction

Posted: Sat Mar 30, 2013 10:39 am
by ficolas
:P Awesome!!!
I thought you were going to add something like NBT in minecraft, to be able to change the data of some specific machines, not all the machines in the game, that would be even moar awzum.

Hope to see more lua documentation :D im so excited.

Re: [Guide] Modding in 0.3.0 introduction

Posted: Sat Mar 30, 2013 6:36 pm
by ficolas
Im ficolas from the future and I have a message.

Its day 269 and im still updating the mod.
There is only a can of water, and there is no food left, I think I will die without updating it...
There are so many ":" to change...

Re: [Guide] Modding in 0.3.0 introduction

Posted: Sat Mar 30, 2013 6:58 pm
by slpwnd
This is the script I have used to migrate the JSON files from base to Lua.

Code: Select all

-- Migration of the json prototype-definition files into lua data files
-- Requires lua packages serpent and luajson to be on the package.path
-- Note: use luarocks for easy lua package installation
-- Usage:
-- lua migratejsons.lua json-paths
-- json-paths is a list of paths to json data files to be migrated

local serpent = require("serpent")
local json = require("json")

function loadpaths(source)
  -- first argument should be a file with paths to migrate
  local lines = {}
  for line in io.lines(source) do
    lines[#lines + 1] = line
  return lines

function migrateone(path)
  local luadata = json.decode(, "r"):read("*all"))
  local output =".json$", ".lua"), "w")
  local dump = serpent.block(luadata, {comment=false})
  output:write("data:extend(\n" .. dump .. "\n)\n")

-- main

lines = loadpaths(arg[1])
for _, line in ipairs(lines) do
It doesn't change the dashes to underscores on the left sides.

Re: [Guide] Modding in 0.3.0 introduction

Posted: Sat Mar 30, 2013 7:15 pm
by ficolas
thanx, but I alredy did something, and I think I broke something, but I dont know what, can you help?

Re: [Guide] Modding in 0.3.0 introduction

Posted: Sat Mar 30, 2013 8:26 pm
by slpwnd
ficolas wrote: thanx, but I alredy did something, and I think I broke something, but I dont know what, can you help?
What exactly do you mean ?

I did a very quick check and the mod is not loaded properly. The name of the mod in the info.json file must be the same as the name of the directory. I will add some error reporting for that. If you change the name in the info.json file then there are some more errors to cope with.

Also there have been some scripting changes - I will write an update about those on the wiki soon.

Re: [Guide] Modding in 0.3.0 introduction

Posted: Sat Mar 30, 2013 9:11 pm
by ficolas
error reporting doesnt work fine in this case:

Code: Select all

        item = "small-alien-artifact",
        probability = 1,
        count-min= 1,
        count-max= 5
it asks for a "}" more, to close the one at line 3, but there is 1 "{" and 1 "}"... what is the problem there?

Also I cant see the error here:

Code: Select all

    type= "container",
    name= "underground-mining-drill",
    flags= {"placeable-neutral", "player-creation"},
    collision-box= {{-1.4, -1.4}, {1.4, 1.4}},
    selection-box= {{-1.5, -1.5}, {1.5, 1.5}},
    minable= { mining-time= 1, result= "underground-mining-drill" },
    "max-health= 200,
    "inventory-size= 4,
      filename= "__f-mod__/resources/entity/underground-mining-drill/underground-mining-drill.png",
      width= 96,
      height= 96,
      priority= "extra-high"
    type= "assembling-machine",
    name= "alien-assembly-machine",
    flags= {"placeable-neutral", "player-creation"},
    collision-box= {{-1.4, -1.4}, {1.4, 1.4}},
    selection-box= {{-1.5, -1.5}, {1.5, 1.5}},
    minable= { hardness= 0.2, mining-time= 0.5, result= "alien-assembly-machine" },
    crafting-categories= { "alien-crafting" },
    max-health= 150,
    drawing-position= {0.7, 0.12},
    ingredient-count= 20,
    energy-usage-per-tick= 2.5,
    effectivity= 1.5,
      type= "electric",
      input-priority= "secondary"
      filename= "__f-mod__/resources/entity/assembling-machine-2/assembling-machine-2.png",
      priority= "medium",
      frame-width= 141,
      frame-height= 120,
      line-length= 6,
      frame-count= 32
    type= "container",
    name= "underground-scanner",
    flags= {"placeable-neutral", "player-creation"},
    collision-box= {{-1.4, -1.4}, {1.4, 1.4}},
    selection-box= {{-1.5, -1.5}, {1.5, 1.5}},
    minable= { mining-time= 1, result= "underground-scanner" },
    max-health= 200,
    inventory-size= 1,
      filename= "__f-mod__/resources/entity/underground-mining-drill/underground-scanner.png",
      width= 96,
      height= 96,
      priority= "extra-high"
    type= "player-port",
    name= "Spawn",
    flags= {"placeable-neutral", "player-creation"},
    collision-box= {{-0.9, -0.9}, {0.9, 0.9}},
    selection-box= {{-1, -1}, {1, 1}},
    minable= { mining-time= 1, "result= "Spawn" },
    max-health= 50,
      filename= "__f-mod__/resources/entity/Spawn/file.png",
      frame-width= 64,
      frame-height= 64,
      line-length= 6,
      frame-count= 31,
      priority= "high"
line 6, expected } to close { at line 2 near =

Re: [Guide] Modding in 0.3.0 introduction

Posted: Sat Mar 30, 2013 9:24 pm
by slpwnd
This is how the definition should look like:

Code: Select all

data.raw["unit-spawner"]["creeper-spawner"].loot =
        item = "small-alien-artifact",
        probability = 1,
        count_min= 1,
        count_max= 5
There were 2 errors:
* There path to the loot element didn't make sense so it came out as nil indexing
* The dash ("-") can't be used in identifiers in Lua becose it is parsed as a minus sign. Therefore we have changed all the left hand identifiers
in the from the JSON definitions to use the underscores instead.

Re: [Guide] Modding in 0.3.0 introduction

Posted: Sat Mar 30, 2013 9:28 pm
by ficolas
slpwnd wrote:This is how the definition should look like:

Code: Select all

data.raw["unit-spawner"]["creeper-spawner"].loot =
        item = "small-alien-artifact",
        probability = 1,
        count_min= 1,
        count_max= 5
I didnt want to change the creeper spawner´s loot, I wanted to change creeper's loot.
slpwnd wrote:* The dash ("-") can't be used in identifiers in Lua becose it is parsed as a minus sign. Therefore we have changed all the left hand identifiers
in the from the JSON definitions to use the underscores instead
Omg moar work xD

Re: [Guide] Modding in 0.3.0 introduction

Posted: Sat Mar 30, 2013 9:52 pm
by FreeER
ficolas wrote:Omg moar work xD
just imagine how much they've put into this update:
They had to figure out the best way to set it up
then they had to convert the base 'mod'
and test it to make sure everything worked
Then they have to write up a wiki for everything
AND THEN they have to put up with everyone who gets confused by the update :lol:

Re: [Guide] Modding in 0.3.0 introduction

Posted: Sat Mar 30, 2013 10:00 pm
by ficolas
Yeah, they are all awesome :D!

also, I need to change the name of all items used in recipes to use underscores?:

Code: Select all

    ingredients= { gold-ore= 1 },
because gold-ore is a variable and it interpretates it as gold - ore, so do I need to change the name to gold_ore?

Re: [Guide] Modding in 0.3.0 introduction

Posted: Sat Mar 30, 2013 10:06 pm
by slpwnd
We changed the names of the properties. Not the names of the game elements. So we still have "iron-plates", "copper-ore", etc. Therefore there should be the "gold-ore". In your case

Code: Select all

ingredients = { ["gold-ore"] = 1},
This was not an easy decision because it creates some inconsistencies in the naming, however it saves a lot of typing for the property names.

Re: [Guide] Modding in 0.3.0 introduction

Posted: Sat Mar 30, 2013 10:08 pm
by ficolas
Also what about this error:

Content Title

Code: Select all

Cannot load lua script
G:/F\factorio_0.3.0.3945\mods\F-mod\data.lua. Error:
...\Factorio_0.3.0.3945\data\core\lualib\dataloader.lua:12: table index is nil

Re: [Guide] Modding and Scripting changes in 0.3.0

Posted: Sat Mar 30, 2013 10:34 pm
by slpwnd
FreeER wrote: just imagine how much they've put into this update:
They had to figure out the best way to set it up
then they had to convert the base 'mod'
and test it to make sure everything worked
Then they have to write up a wiki for everything
AND THEN they have to put up with everyone who gets confused by the update
It was a lot of work :) However we wanted to make the needed radical changes to the mod suppost as soon as possible when there are still not that many mods. Also the changes we introduced should give modders way more powers.
ficolas wrote: Also what about this error:

Content Title
Cannot load lua script
G:/F\factorio_0.3.0.3945\mods\F-mod\data.lua. Error:
...\Factorio_0.3.0.3945\data\core\lualib\dataloader.lua:12: table index is nil
Not sure where this is exactly raised. I had a look into the dataloader (you can see that one too :)) and saw the following on line 12:

Code: Select all

 self.raw[e.type] = t
So based on the error name I would guess the problem is that the prototype object you are defining doesn't have a type field. The type and name are mandatory since 0.3.0 for every prototype object (should have mentioned that one earlier I guess :)).

btw. I have updated the OP with links to some scripting documentation I put up on the wiki.

Re: [Guide] Modding and Scripting changes in 0.3.0

Posted: Sat Mar 30, 2013 10:38 pm
by ficolas
but this G:/F\factorio_0.3.0.3945\mods\F-mod\data.lua is the file where the files are required, do that mean that there is one prototipe that haves no type?

Edit: Recipes now have a type, that was the problem. thx.

Re: [Guide] Modding and Scripting changes in 0.3.0

Posted: Sat Mar 30, 2013 10:43 pm
by kovarex
ficolas wrote:but this G:/F\factorio_0.3.0.3945\mods\F-mod\data.lua is the file where the files are required, do that mean that there is one prototipe that haves no type?
My guess is, that you missed type and name property in recipe specification.

Re: [Guide] Modding and Scripting changes in 0.3.0

Posted: Sat Mar 30, 2013 10:44 pm
by ficolas
kovarex wrote:
ficolas wrote:but this G:/F\factorio_0.3.0.3945\mods\F-mod\data.lua is the file where the files are required, do that mean that there is one prototipe that haves no type?
My guess is, that you missed type and name property in recipe specification.
yup, I didnt know that recipes now have type, I knew they had name, but didnt know anything about type.

Re: [Guide] Modding and Scripting changes in 0.3.0

Posted: Sat Mar 30, 2013 10:50 pm
by ficolas

Code: Select all

    type = "recipe",
    name = "gold-furnace",
    result= "gold-plate",
    ingredients= { ["gold-ore"]= 1 }, --this line.
	energy_required= 500,
	category= "smelting"
    type = "recipe",
    name = "silver-furnace",
    result= "silver-plate",
    ingredients= { ["silver-ore"]= 1 },
	energy_required= 500,
	category= "smelting"

line 6.
} expected near =

Re: [Guide] Modding and Scripting changes in 0.3.0

Posted: Sat Mar 30, 2013 10:58 pm
by slpwnd
Actually the ingredients format has changed now it is a list of pairs instead of map (you can see this for instance in the base/prototypes/recipe/recipe.lua) so in your case it should be:

Code: Select all

ingredients = {
  { "gold-ore", 1}

Re: [Guide] Modding and Scripting changes in 0.3.0

Posted: Sat Mar 30, 2013 11:13 pm
by ficolas

Code: Select all

    type = "recipe",
    name = "gold-furnace",
    result= "gold-plate",
    ingredients = {{ "gold-ore", 1}},
	energy_required= 500,
	category= "smelting"
    type = "recipe",
    name = "silver-furnace",
    result= "silver-plate",
	ingredients = {{ "silver-ore", 1}},
	energy_required= 500,
	category= "smelting"
same error, line 8...