Post data editing during loading.
Posted: Wed May 14, 2014 10:46 am
Possible sollution to those that want to edit new extensions to data.raw after mod has executed it's own data.lua.
From mod's prespective there data that is loaded before (pre-data) and data that is loaded after mod is done (post-data). Sometime ago I was puzzled by mod loading and I was thinking how influence in mod loading order. I decided to ignore loading order, do pre-data edits normally and change dataloader to handle possible post-data edits. There is example with key parts below, that I have tried successfully.
Possible risks:
processor behind procedures
Adding new procedure
From mod's prespective there data that is loaded before (pre-data) and data that is loaded after mod is done (post-data). Sometime ago I was puzzled by mod loading and I was thinking how influence in mod loading order. I decided to ignore loading order, do pre-data edits normally and change dataloader to handle possible post-data edits. There is example with key parts below, that I have tried successfully.
Possible risks:
- Calling data.extend in procedure
- Adding your procedure first and using data.extend after for pre-data edits.
- metamethods to catch entries to data.raw?
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-- data.lua
require("styles.icons") -- Extending/editing prototype library the normal way
require("postprocessor") -- Overwrites part of dataloader(If not already called)
require("styles.posticons") -- Sets procedure for future loaded prototypes
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-- postprocessor.lua
-- Mod defined loading procedures are stored in to this
procedures = {}
-- Overwriting data.extend to take use of procedures
function data.extend(self, otherdata)
for _, e in ipairs(otherdata) do
if not e.type or not then
error("Missing name or type in the following prototype definition " .. serpent.block(e))
local t = self.raw[e.type]
if t == nil then
t = {}
self.raw[e.type] = t
t[] = e
--For adding new procedure
function procedures.add(func)
table.insert(procedures, func)
-- Utilize given procedures
function procedures.checkPrototype(self, prototype)
for _, f in ipairs(self) do
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-- styles.posticons.lua
-- check stack_size to find "item" kind of type
-- create icon style for item with icon
if prototype.stack_size and prototype.icon then
local style =
type = "button_style",
parent = "tm-icon-style",
default_graphical_set =
type = "monolith",
top_monolith_border = 1,
right_monolith_border = 1,
bottom_monolith_border = 1,
left_monolith_border = 1,
monolith_image =
filename = prototype.icon,
width = 32,
height = 32
data.raw["gui-style"].default["tm-icon-"] = style