id like a mod where there is upgraded mining drills more chests and if you can add them automatic robots that have like a guide line and the can only go on the guide line and the guide line needs to be connected to power for the robots to work and a chocklate that restores your health for a random reason and the robots build things that you want them to build but you need a robot chest that the robots get the objects from and they can get the items unless the robot line is connected to the chest and if the robots can reach the chest then they say no path to chest and another food called chicken and there are mobs going around called chicken and you can kill them with your gun and they drop raw chicken and you put it into a furnace to make cooked chicken and it restores your health: if you made the mod email me my email is (email-adress removed to protect the user, please use PM -- ssilk) and if you are going to make email me or skype me at christheboss894 please add this because i like the modding community and i would be dissapointed if someone didnt make the mod
Re: mod request(please add)
Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2015 4:58 am
by christheboss1211
please someone make the mod
Re: mod request(please add)
Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2015 8:47 am
by ThaPear
first off please use proper (or any form of) punctuation as your post is quite hard to read second I'd recommend not placing your e-mail address on a public forum you're able to tell the forum to e-mail you when a private message arrives, so you're better off requesting people to PM you and lastly use search as most of your suggestions already exist in some form upgraded manual drills are featured in F-mod there's also one in [MOD 0.11.x] Mining Drill & Better ore storage and I think in [MOD 0.11.x] 5dim's mod the robot guide line idea is probably not possible in the game the chocolate thing is already implemented in the form of fish swimming around the chicken thing: [011.0 +] Biter Bites the "Robots build things that you want them to build" thing [MOD 0.11.x] Pocket Bots. Construction bots for your pocket. PS: Don't say you're disappointed if nobody does a very specific thing for you. It's better to say you'd love it if they did PPS: Don't bump your post 1.5 hours after you post it.
First off, please use proper (or any form of) punctuation as your post is quite hard to read.
Second, I'd recommend not placing your e-mail address on a public forum.
You're able to tell the forum to e-mail you when a private message arrives, so you're better off requesting people to PM you.
And lastly, use search, as most of your suggestions already exist in some form.
PS: Don't say you're disappointed if nobody does a very specific thing for you. It's better to say you'd love it if they did.
PPS: Don't bump your post 1.5 hours after you post it.
Re: mod request(please add)
Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2015 6:19 pm
by Anathera
wow is this the first troll post in here because it sure sounds like one.....
Re: mod request(please add)
Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2015 6:54 pm
by quinor
all his posts are like that; he is aussie too and this is the thing that may make him so weird
Re: mod request(please add)
Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2015 9:30 pm
by tomcat
well hes about to get taught the hard way by many mailing lists and phonecalls from indian gentlemen from many disreputable companies about why you never, ever, post your email and skype, in plaintext, on a public forum.