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[Request] RTS: Soldiers, Barracks, and more!

Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2015 3:51 am
by Dragonchampion
So an idea I had watching STarship troopers was to have a ore powerful alternative to turrets after the rocket turret have been completed and the "Eathlings have landed". I know the game ends right after, but eventually, would it be possible to give the player access to military tech, and soldiers? It could be fun to have a scenario like this:

is this even possible or no? I've never seen a mod add in controllable NPCs so I'm kind of unsure...

Re: [Request] RTS: Soldiers, Barracks, and more!

Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2015 7:07 am
by hoho
Why soldiers when we have bots? :)

Just change/add a combat bot to be able to "live" inside roboport and make them respond to attack alerts. Even better if we could equip them with weapons similarly to how construction bots use repairpacks.

Re: [Request] RTS: Soldiers, Barracks, and more!

Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2015 7:42 am
by Dragonchampion
My thoughts exactly. if you used the AI from the bots, it wouldn't be that hard; it'd just be a matter of making it so they stand by walls/can be ordered and obey terrain rather than fly.