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Feedback loops madness mod - any interest ?

Posted: Sun May 17, 2020 4:14 pm
by Stakhanov
Something I love in mods such as angel/bobs and the pyanodon suite is supply chain loops (product A makes product B makes product C makes product A) that can trigger feedback loops when the delicate balance of your production is disrupted. This motivates me to try modding Factorio myself to make a simpler mod , closer to vanilla factorio , that introduces more or less optional (high efficiency) supply chain loops , from the start.

For example , large and high speed burner drills would require all 4 starting ores mixed into solid fuel ; ore sorting similar to angel's , then a green chip production catalyst that would require red and green science packs , but part-consume them at different rates. Late game would feature unpredictable "chaos catalysts" that would give multiple products in random amount , outputting not just the end product but some of the base materials as well like a more complex Kovarex process.

Any ideas or interest for Feedbacktorio ?