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A New Type of Intelligent Natives

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2018 4:44 pm
by wat3rstone
I would like a mod that would satisfy my wish for a new type of enemy because...
spoiler alert
An enemy that would just require a new turret or just have more health would also get boring and old fast. (flying enemies -> Anti air, Water based -> submerged turrets).

What I think would be interesting, would a native that would take a new way, and more strategic way, to eliminate their bases.
What I'm thinking would be an enemy that would have near human intelligence, they would be able take structures from your base, mining drills, assembling machines (limited to the item they were creating before they took the assembling machine) and other structures that would be necessary to an automated base (or they could make them by themselves), and they would be able to take those structures back to their spawners. They would then place down the structures with basic and rudimentary design to attempt to create machines that can fight back against you and your ever expanding base (or something like that).

Basically I want a mod for a specific type of creature that are able to create their on factories and defenses to protects themselves from you.

Re: A New Type of Intelligent Natives

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2018 7:53 pm
by TelemakFactorio
But you would need a whole team of developpers specialised in AI !
Maybe in less than 10 years we will have tools to develop AI at home, but not in LUA for factorio...
Have you tried to play PvP ?

Re: A New Type of Intelligent Natives

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2018 11:47 pm
by wat3rstone
I have no one to play with... so the AI would be my best bet even if it would be unrealistic

Re: A New Type of Intelligent Natives

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2018 9:42 am
by TelemakFactorio
OK so If I had to code an AI with artificial intelligence imitating a factorio human player for this game, I would base it on premade blueprints with dedicated purposes and then write a lib to make its characters entities build the blueprints in a simulated but realistic way and then connect them together with conveyors.
I would use parallel processing, A* pathfinder, plus I would try to find a way to escape the constraints of the lua in game interpreter for scripted commands.
It is not one of my projects, but I wish you good luck.

Or, you join a PvP server and fight with/against other players you don't know (yet).