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City Protection Gametype

Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2014 4:24 am
by Butter
I hope this hasn't been suggested yet but I had an Idea for a Gametype or maybe Campaign level, let me just jump in.

Ok it starts out like this, you start the game next to say a village and the village will request resources, be it water, food, metal, electric, what ever. You will have to provide these resources and protect the village. Over time the village will upgrade to a town when it does it will require more resources and protection. This will keep going up until its a big city.

Basically the object of the game will be to protect and provide to your village. Obviously this will get harder when it upgrades. A big city will need a lot of resources and put off a lot of pollution.

I cant think of an end game, it could be just how long can you survive. Unless anyone can think of something better.

I hope I explained it well enough If not I will try and answer any questions.

Re: City Protection Gametype

Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2014 4:57 pm
by Hardison
This sounds really fun, I do believe however that they will be adding colonists of some sort to the endgame of factorio(after you get rocket defense of course). So your wish just may come true, for all we know we could have to all this crazy complicated stuff to get those colonists on our planet just to have to do more crazy complicated things to accommodate them.

Re: City Protection Gametype

Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2014 9:07 pm
by ssilk
This is a useful request, but will change the game completly. I'll move it to mods-suggestions.