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Faulty Planet Mod

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2016 6:58 pm
by alan2here
Mod Idea: Faulty Planet

Various options to select as you make a new world, or if this is not possible, that are available to trigger within a short time of starting a new world. These options are challenges that make the game harder.

Faulty Sun: Mid way through day 1 the sun (day/night cycle) flickers and blinks out, making the rest of the game set at night. Light from the torch as well as the circular lit part around the player will be larger and brighter, however this will not charge solar panels.

Faulty Sky: Logistics and combat robots rapidly take damage when in the air, quickly being destroyed, idearly with some lightning visuals if possible.

Faulty Oxygen: Red and Blue belts are randomly permanently deactivated soon after being placed.

Faulty Industrialists: Steel processing research doesn't progress, the lab is somtimes destroyed when attempting the research, while still using materials as ususal each attempt. Other research items that are dependent on steel processing can be researched without it, except for railway, which is just not possible. For each 1 steel the production of an item requires, 5 Iron Plate can be used instead.

Permanent inefficiency fault: Everything costs 10 times as much, for example it would take 20 iron to produce an iron gear wheel.

I fault you on your dirt: Polution is removed from the whole map at a slow rate, however too much polution in one place causes factories in that area to be disabled until the polution level there is decreased below the same threshold, if possible the factory is displayed ingame with a symbol showing a man with a clipboard, unfortunatly he was the only other person that survived the crash, thank goodness at least you are an engineer.

Motivational Fault: Only basic items can be crafted by hand.

A fault in nature:

TLDR: Trees grow apocalyptically, and in bursts, while they are not dangerous, it's probably not a good thing for you unless you want lots and lots of wood.

Trees spawn new trees into surrounding space, they have growth stages where the growing tree and its descendants rapidly reproduce, and waiting stages where descendants permanently break family ties, individually and inactively waiting for a random and large number of minutes, to later enter a growth stage of there own.

Each tree cannot spawn far from its parent, so a stone wall is a sufficent barrier. In a growth stage, trees in a family attempt to reproduce every half second or so.

The growth stage ends when the number of decendents, including children, grandchildren, etc... that a tree has reaches a number calculated using the process below.

1. Start with a random value between 1 and 6.

2. Flip a coin, if heads double the value and repeat step 2. There is a very large upper limit.