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Power Grids

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2016 6:28 pm
by StaRbUck42
I recently almost had my whole base destroyed after reworking some belts: I accidentally removed a large power pole that connected two parts together. Normally, I'd have noticed I disconnected it, since things would flash yellow saying no power. However, on this occasion, the one side of my base that I disconnected had a small steam engine setup, but was only a set of 10 steam engines, which was hardly enough to power the factory and the defenses there.

After freaking out and spending an hour or two in emergency defense and panic mode, I finally realized that I had created two separate power grids. While debugging this and verifying that I had it fixed, I realized how hard it was to make sure everything was on the same network.

I'd very much like a mod that would show me all my different power grids. I'd imagine the best (from a UI standpoint) way to do this would be to optionally color (either on the map, and/or overlaid on the items themselves) the power items (steam engines, solar panels, accumulators, power poles) a different color for each grid.

Re: Power Grids

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2016 7:32 pm
by S0ulstr34m
I would like to add an idea to this since being on the topic of power grids... I would like to be able to see the strain on my power grids. At the moment, we only see how many engines/solar panels/etc we have and the amount of power that is currently produced but I don't think there is any identifier that tells you how much you are producing versus how much you can produce (you have to do the math yourself).

I might have missed this detail (current power strain) and I apologize if I did.


Re: Power Grids

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2016 7:38 pm
by StaRbUck42
[quote="S0ulstr34m"]I would like to add an idea to this since being on the topic of power grids... I would like to be able to see the strain on my power grids. At the moment, we only see how many engines/solar panels/etc we have and the amount of power that is currently produced but I don't think there is any identifier that tells you how much you are producing versus how much you can produce (you have to do the math yourself).

I agree. That would be nice to have, though I think in this context it would be better to be separate from what I'm proposing. I would actually be very surprised if that doesn't exist already somewhere

Re: Power Grids

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2016 8:29 pm
by S0ulstr34m
StaRbUck42 wrote:
S0ulstr34m wrote:I would like to add an idea to this since being on the topic of power grids... I would like to be able to see the strain on my power grids. At the moment, we only see how many engines/solar panels/etc we have and the amount of power that is currently produced but I don't think there is any identifier that tells you how much you are producing versus how much you can produce (you have to do the math yourself).

I agree. That would be nice to have, though I think in this context it would be better to be separate from what I'm proposing. I would actually be very surprised if that doesn't exist already somewhere
I have actually posted this here because it should be pretty straight forward to add this metric (current % eletrical grid usage) once you start adding the changes you are proposing.. the 2 are dealing with the same stats, they are just being displayed differently.

That is of course, if this option I'm looking for doesn't already exist, I haven't seen it.

Re: Power Grids

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2016 7:13 pm
by slindenau
Just a note; this information is available in the debug overlay (F4): ... =662986061

Re: Power Grids

Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2016 9:25 am
by Sean Mirrsen
S0ulstr34m wrote:
StaRbUck42 wrote:
S0ulstr34m wrote:I would like to add an idea to this since being on the topic of power grids... I would like to be able to see the strain on my power grids. At the moment, we only see how many engines/solar panels/etc we have and the amount of power that is currently produced but I don't think there is any identifier that tells you how much you are producing versus how much you can produce (you have to do the math yourself).

I agree. That would be nice to have, though I think in this context it would be better to be separate from what I'm proposing. I would actually be very surprised if that doesn't exist already somewhere
I have actually posted this here because it should be pretty straight forward to add this metric (current % eletrical grid usage) once you start adding the changes you are proposing.. the 2 are dealing with the same stats, they are just being displayed differently.

That is of course, if this option I'm looking for doesn't already exist, I haven't seen it.
I'm not sure what particularly you mean, but you can plainly see the "percentage" of power you can produce that you are currently using, in the "production" bar on the power grid statistics screen. It doesn't give you a precise number, but with how much power draw tends to fluctuate an exact percentage would be fairly useless anyway. As-is, the amount of black space on the production bar is how much power production capacity you have remaining.