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Graphics mod / Alien replacement [Fun mod]

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2016 4:43 pm
by Bizz Keryear
I am reeeealy untalented when it comes to CG graphic (and lazy, too). But from the very first time I thought it would be cool to replace the aliens,
mainly because how the aliens work at this game atm.
  • Biters:
    • I would like the Small Biter replace with an [one] Environment Activist [Greenpeace?] with a small sign. When attacking he would bash with his sign.
    • As the biters get bigger so the crowd of Activists and the signs [/ banners] they hold.
  • Spitters:
    • The Spitters would be replaced in a similar way. But they would look more like hooligans all hooded with masks. and their attack would be throwing Molotovs.
    • The growing crowd would trow more of em as visible effect for the bigger damage (more of cocktails in one GIF)
    • The largest ones could throw oil barrels
  • Worms:
    • I would (if I could) replace worms with different sized Sequoias. when becoming active an Activist would crawl out of his little tree house and throw stones [or Molotovs]
  • Spawners:
    • My idea for Spawners would be to replace them with tents. Making alien bases look like activists occupying a ground.
If someone thinks that Idea is cool and has the ability to do so, please go ahead and make it.

Re: Graphics mod / Alien replacement [Fun mod]

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2016 4:56 pm
by steinio
I laughed a lot at reading your post and i can imagine your idea.
So it will be because if you can imagine it, it is possible.

Re: Graphics mod / Alien replacement [Fun mod]

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2016 1:20 am
by rufflezau
Wow Great minds think alike XD looks like you beat me to the punch with the request XD, look before you post.

I would think alien spawner's would be funnier as hippy vans and have a endless supply of people running out :D

Re: Graphics mod / Alien replacement [Fun mod]

Posted: Mon May 09, 2016 1:25 am
by Bizz Keryear
rufflezau wrote:Wow Great minds think alike XD looks like you beat me to the punch with the request XD, look before you post.

I would think alien spawner's would be funnier as hippy vans and have a endless supply of people running out :D
Maybe a mix of both... Spitters out of vans, biters out of tents.

Re: Graphics mod / Alien replacement [Fun mod]

Posted: Mon May 16, 2016 4:24 pm
by technocrazy
it actually is possible, but I suck at pixel art and they would probably end up looking like habo hotel or something.

Re: Graphics mod / Alien replacement [Fun mod]

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2016 9:04 pm
by aubergine18
Oh wow, why has nobody implemented this awesome idea?!

For spitters, I'd visualise as black bloc (the folks all in black with red/black flags at protests, sometimes hurling stones or molotovs at the fash). Don't forget the Keffiyehs covering faces :)

As for worms, Gezi Park style barricades (often made of bricks, chunks of wood, metal fencing, etc) would be neat.

It would be perfect response to the ecocide caused by the factory.