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[Idea] PvP mod

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2016 3:59 pm
by tiger
Lots of players would enjoy pvp mod. I can only make simple item mod and mathematical calculations in C++, so somone could help factorio's players with that.

I have concept how to make funny and legit PvP mod:
-gun turrets and capsules have "mark" or "flag" of player's name and they attack gun turrets and capsules other players
-all technology unlocked and storage tank with endless or huge amount of water
-peaceful bitters with no option of counter attack
-spawn new and dead players in random place on the map or give them some red piercing ammo or 30 seconds immortality with steel axe, so no one wanted to make laser turrets in spawn point

-limited map area
-reset every 24 to 1 hour
-objective that resets the map after e.g. having over 300 laser turrets with flag of one name

How much effort(time) does it cost to make such a mod with first 4 dashes? It would be no more problems with trolls and griefers. Sorry for lack of my English skills.

Re: [Idea] PvP mod

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2016 8:50 pm
by StanFear
tiger wrote:How much effort(time) does it cost to make such a mod with first 4 dashes? It would be no more problems with trolls and griefers. Sorry for lack of my English skills.
I don't really understand your first point, for the rest, I think it could be quite easy !

Re: [Idea] PvP mod

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2016 9:42 am
by tiger
Let me explain first point.
Laser and gun turrets would perceive other players and their turrets and also capsules as biters .
But If I would build my turrets they would not attack me and optionally my ally and also optionally I could invite someone to be my ally.

Re: [Idea] PvP mod

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2016 9:57 am
by daniel34
The EasyPvP mod already does some of these things. Well, actually it's Factorio that already supports that, the EasyPvP mod just provides a nice little GUI to separate players into different forces (teams).

The turrets you will place down will only attack players of the other force, and they are differently colored depending on what team they belong.
Other buildings can also only used and removed by players of your force, the other force can only destroy them.

The rest would be not too difficult to implement, although why the storage tank with endless water?

Re: [Idea] PvP mod

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2016 10:16 am
by tiger
daniel34 wrote: why the storage tank with endless water?
Sometimes having access to water would be difficult...

Re: [Idea] PvP mod

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2016 11:52 am
by StanFear
ok, when I'm done with the current changes I'm making to my mod, I'll take a look at it !

(if someone does it first, I won't though)

Re: [Idea] PvP mod

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2016 11:55 am
by Klonan
tiger wrote:
daniel34 wrote: why the storage tank with endless water?
Sometimes having access to water would be difficult...
Its a lot easier to spawn some water tiles than to spawn a storage tank and keep refilling it with water,
This is what i do in my PvP scenarios: viewtopic.php?f=36&t=15052
And it seems to work

Re: [Idea] PvP mod

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2016 9:52 pm
by Deathbringer69
Hi ,

If you could do such a thing i have some people incuding me who are willing to test it out.


Re: [Idea] PvP mod

Posted: Sun May 29, 2016 4:32 pm
by binbinhfr
Maybe my new SpaceBook mod could help you :