[Request] unending rail laid down at spawn point
Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2016 6:34 am
I'd like an eternal rail mod as a balance for maps with extreme scarcity of resources. You can hop in a train and go until you find something.
I'd like to mod to simply lay rail down when the map is generated in all four cardinal directions away from the spawn point. When it hits water it could do two things- continue after the water ends (forcing the player to connect it) or just have concrete underneath it. I'm not particular- whatever is easier to mod.
I saw that the wiki has a bit in some LUA commands on placing resources. Is there a simple command to drop rail down eternally in one direction?
Wiki example:
/c local surface = game.local_player.surface;
for y=-2,2 do
for x=-2,2 do
surface.create_entity({name="stone", amount=5000, position={game.local_player.position.x+x, game.local_player.position.y+y}})
I'd like to mod to simply lay rail down when the map is generated in all four cardinal directions away from the spawn point. When it hits water it could do two things- continue after the water ends (forcing the player to connect it) or just have concrete underneath it. I'm not particular- whatever is easier to mod.
I saw that the wiki has a bit in some LUA commands on placing resources. Is there a simple command to drop rail down eternally in one direction?
Wiki example:
/c local surface = game.local_player.surface;
for y=-2,2 do
for x=-2,2 do
surface.create_entity({name="stone", amount=5000, position={game.local_player.position.x+x, game.local_player.position.y+y}})