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Can you help me?

Posted: Thu Sep 26, 2024 7:36 am
by Sethlarke
Like many other Factorians, I find railroad building to be a formidable obstacle. If there was a mod that showed me how to construct and fix railroads in detail, it would be perfect for me.

Re: Can you help me?

Posted: Thu Sep 26, 2024 10:43 pm
by DarkShadow44
I think tutorials and understanding are more useful. How would a mod like that even work?

Re: Can you help me?

Posted: Fri Sep 27, 2024 5:50 am
by Kyralessa
If you're finding that building tracks just takes too long, you could try this mod:

I've never used it, but my understanding is that it gives you basically a train you can drive around to lay rails.

Re: Can you help me?

Posted: Fri Sep 27, 2024 8:42 am
by SoShootMe
Like DarkShadow44, I also think tutorials and understanding are more useful. Amongst other resources, there are many discussions about railway setup in these forums: if you have questions/problems that you can't find the answers/solutions to, you are likely to get a useful response by posting.

For me at least, a major reward in Factorio is overcoming the numerous challenges it creates (at many levels) through understanding. Being able to design a functional railway system is one such challenge. If you don't feel the reward justifies investing the time in learning about and experimenting with railway to build that understanding, the easiest thing is to use someone else's blueprints so that you can focus on other areas - the ultimate goal is to have fun, after all! You'll probably gain some understanding from doing so anyway and, perhaps, the balance will tip at some point.