Varied Satellites
is a mod which allows you to launch many different extra terrestrial vehicles, performing multiple actions.The mod is fully compatible with Space Exploration.
Available Satellites:
Science Satellites: Used in the production of Space and Exploration Science Packs.Mining Satellites: Provides all unmodded ores, as well as oil barrels. With SE installed, the satellites can provide basic SE ores.
Mobile Base Satellite: Provides various early game resources. (like iron plates and gear wheels)
Surveillance Satellite: Can discover new zones with SE installed and (while using SE) allow usage of the star map, the universe explorer and the navigational uplink.
Orbital Strike Satellites: Destroys Enemy Bases (such as Biter Bases) from space. Designed for PVP, but completely compatible with normal enemies.
Mods can also add their own satellites doing various things.
To balance the addition of these new satellites, you now need 3 different science packs to progress through the main game, (there is also a 4th new science pack required for some infinite research) Which require their own unique process involving Data Cards and Computation Machines of various tiers.
Science Progression Comparison:
Normal Factorio:
Automation -> Logistics -> Chemical -> Utility and Production -> Space
Space Exploration:
Automation -> Logistics -> Chemical -> Rocket -> Space -> Utility and Production -> Astronomic, Energy, Material and Biological (T1-T4) -> Deep Space (T1-T4)
This Mod (Without SE):
Automation -> Logistics -> Electronics -> Chemical -> Computation -> Utility and Production -> Digital -> Space -> Exploration
This Mod (With SE):
Automation -> Logistics -> Electronics -> Chemical -> Computation -> Rocket -> Digital -> Space -> Exploration -> Utility and Production -> Astronomic, Energy, Material and Biological (T1-T4) -> Deep Space (T1-T4)
Images showing this comparison may be added at a later date.
Automation -> Logistics -> Chemical -> Utility and Production -> Space
Space Exploration:
Automation -> Logistics -> Chemical -> Rocket -> Space -> Utility and Production -> Astronomic, Energy, Material and Biological (T1-T4) -> Deep Space (T1-T4)
This Mod (Without SE):
Automation -> Logistics -> Electronics -> Chemical -> Computation -> Utility and Production -> Digital -> Space -> Exploration
This Mod (With SE):
Automation -> Logistics -> Electronics -> Chemical -> Computation -> Rocket -> Digital -> Space -> Exploration -> Utility and Production -> Astronomic, Energy, Material and Biological (T1-T4) -> Deep Space (T1-T4)
Images showing this comparison may be added at a later date.
Full Explanation of Data Card Processing:
Data card
Firstly, Data Cards must be created in an assembling machine. These Empty Data Cards then require formatting for their use. This is done in a Data Card Formatter. The Formatted Data Cards now need data to be added to them. Use the Formatted Data Cards in various machines to make Base Data (the Radar Uplink or Assembler for Electronics Base Data depending on config, the Observatory for Computation Base Data, The Digital Networking Centre for Digital Base Data and the Mission Control Building for Space Base Data and Exploration Base Data) Which is then processed through multiple steps in Data Sorting Structures and Computation Machines to produce Complete Data. The Complete Data is used in a Data Loading Machine to make Science Packs. Some data can ejected part way through the process to create blueprints, able to optimise your production recipes, given a constant supply. This is done in the Blueprint Printer, after making the appropriate Data Cards for them. Some high tier items may require blueprints, instead of just having a more efficient recipe using them.
Satellite Construction Process:
Satellites now require a special production building, the Satellite Construction Facility. To produce a satellite, you need to place a Blueprint Lab, a building required for making advanced blueprints. Not to be confused with Science Labs, as this is an Engineering Lab. The Blueprint Lab makes finished Modular Satellite Construction Blueprints, one for each Satellite Type. Once you have the blueprints, you can start the long construction process for making satellites. First you need to make the Base Satellites, which requires it's own blueprint separate from the one for the satellite you actually want to launch. The base satellite is constructed very similarly to the satellite in the base game, just using the Satellite Construction Facility and the associated Blueprint. Next you need to provide the modular components required for your satellite. Longer range satellites will require better communications, Mining Satellites will require extendible drill heads, ore collection and storage as well as repair robots and repair kits. Mobile Base Satellites will require a large storage, many construction bots, a varying number of structures and a way to send those resources back home, Surveillance Satellites will require a high quality camera and sensor system, as well as defence lasers and repair bots. Orbital Strike Satellites will require a high quality sensor system, a large supply of varied ammo, defence lasers and regular turrets, as well as repair bots.
More To Come!
This mod is currently under active development, even if full release has happened yet. Expect more features and improvements in the future.Original post
Old archived post for reference if you need excessive details
This post describes my idea for a mod which I have started working on.
The post has been made to collect public reception for the mod, so that I get an actually good number of downloads on the mod when it releases. Please comment on this post if you like the mod, it helps a lot! Also download the mod if it has released yet!
Varied Satellites is the idea for a mod which adds various satellites, specialized in various tasks. The mod would by full release be compatible with Space Exploration and later I might add SE+K2 Compatibility. Features (will be fully configurable by full release):
1. 4 New Science Packs (can be disabled)
2. Large changes to Space Science Production (Rocket science while using SE)
3. Rocket Production majorly changed (Can be configured)
4. Multiple new satellites and rebrand of the base satellite
5. More Rocket Silos (May be changed in the future)
6. Data Cards, Observatories and Computers!
7. Fun Without the Grind (Applies to all of my mods)
Standard Science Progressions:
Normal Factorio:
Automation -> Logistics -> Chemical -> Utility and Production -> Space
Space Exploration:
Automation -> Logistics -> Chemical -> Rocket -> Space -> Utility and Production -> Astronomic, Energy, Material and Biological (T1-T4) -> Deep Space (T1-T4)
This Mod (Without SE):
Automation -> Logistics -> Electronics -> Chemical -> Computation -> Utility and Production -> Digital -> Space -> Exploration
This Mod (With SE):
Automation -> Logistics -> Electronics -> Chemical -> Computation -> Rocket -> Digital -> Space -> Exploration -> Utility and Production -> Astronomic, Energy, Material and Biological (T1-T4) -> Deep Space (T1-T4)
This mod modifies the whole Science Progression without SE, but changes mostly the early to mid game Science Progression with SE. Both of these facts are shown above. I will have a proper picture for this when the mod is released.
Electronics Science Pack:
Used to unlock Advanced Circuits, Basic Computation Machines and Chemical Science Packs
Computation Science Pack:
Without SE:
Used to unlock Utility and Production Science Packs, as well as Standard Computation Machines.
With SE:
Used to unlock the Rocket Silo as well as Rocket Science Packs and Standard Computation Machines.
Digital Science Pack:
Without SE:
Used to unlock Space Science and the Rocket Silo, as well as Advanced Computation Machines.
With SE:
Used to unlock Space Science and Advanced Computation Machines.
Exploration Science Pack:
Without SE:
End Game Science Pack. Unlocks various infinite technologies and the Quantum Computation Machines.
With SE:
Used to unlock Utility and Production Science Packs. Quantum Computation Machines are locked behind T1 Astronomic, T1 Energy and T2 Material Science Packs instead.
Planned Recipe types:
Data Card Data Processing:
When Created, Data Cards are almost completely empty, except for identification. This recipe type creates data and stores it on data cards, Performed in Computation Machines. Some recipes may only produce partly filled Data Cards. Larger Data Cards and more complex Data can only be made in higher level Computation Machines. Required for making Computation, Digital, Rocket (in SE), Utility (Without SE), Production (Without SE), Space and Exploration Science Packs.
Data Card DeFragmentation:
When processed, some Data Cards will be completely fine. But some will be Fragmented due to Computation and Data Read/Write Errors. These Data Cards can be DeFragmented to restore them to a valid state. That can be done with this recipe type, Performed in Standard, Advanced and Quantum Computation Machines.
Data Card Reformatting:
Data Cards must be formatted for the type of data they need to store. That can be done with this recipe type, Performed in Computation Machines. Larger Data Cards and more Advanced Formats must be processed in higher level Computation Machines. Required for Digital, Space and Exploration Science Packs
Satellite Construction:
Satellites require special production machines to be constructed. They also require blueprints for how you wish to configure your satellites. The blueprints are stored on data cards and the data is consumed during the production process done in the Satelite Assembling Facility. Once used, Data Cards must be refurbished through a 2 step process.
Satellite Mission Uplink:
Once Constructed and Launched, Satellites produce a Satelite Uplink according to their type. These are processed into useful data through a really slow process, Performed in a special Mission Control Centre building. This provides Computation Machines with both Space and Exploration Base Data (In SE, Rocketry Base Data instead of Space Base Data) for processing into Space and Exploration Science Packs (In SE, Rocket Science instead of Space Science) It can also provide Satellite Resource Uplinks, depending on the type of satellite.
Space Observation Telescoping:
The Observatory produces Computation Base Data for processing into Computation Science Packs.
Radar Data Uplink:
Radars are now more advanced. The Radar Data Uplink produces Electronics Base Data for processing into Electronics Science Packs. The speed is dependent on the number of active radars. Radars have moved into the Tech Tree now, requiring Logistics Science Packs.
Blueprint Printing:
Some items could be made more efficiently than they currently do. But assemblers don't know how to do that. This recipe type is used to produce blueprints required for making various items using a more efficient recipe, and is Processed in the Blueprint Printer. It is an alternative for until you can make a computing machine and Data Cards.
Satellite Landing Pad Uplink:
Some recipes in the Mission Control Centre will produce a Satellite Resource Uplink, which are processed with the Satellite Landing Pad Uplink into resources collected from space.
DataScience Flask Filling:
To make Computation, Digital, Rocket (with SE), Space (without SE) and Exploration Science Packs, you will need a special machine - A DataScience Flask Filler, which will somehow transfer the data on data cards into standardized Science Packs for use in Standardized Science Labs. The DataScience Flask Filler can also fill Space Science Cylinders when using SE.
Extreme Coolant Cooling:
Quantum Computing Machines require a very large source of coolant, and at extreme temperatures too. That is done in the Extreme Coolant Cooling Tower (can only be placed in space with SE installed) which produces 500°C steam and -273°C Quantum Coolant from Water. (Quantum Coolant is named after the fact it is used to cool Quantum Computing Devices, not based on the Quantum state of the Coolant)
Changed Existing Mekanisms:
Some Items have two recipes now, one requiring a blueprint and one that doesn't.
Satellites now use their own construction building, which requires blueprints stored on data cards.
The Rocket Silo now produces Satellite Uplinks.
There are now 12 Science Packs. (32 with SE)
Many researches have been changed to use the 4 New Science Packs.
Utility and Production Science Packs now require computation work to create. (Without SE only)
Satellite Types and their uses:
Base Satellite: Cannot be launched - Used only to create other satellites.
Short Range Science Satellite: Used to produce Space Science Packs. (Rocket Science Packs in SE) Can also discover new zones with SE installed
Long Range Science Satellite: Used to produce Exploration Science Packs.
Short Range Mining Satellite: Provides Iron, Copper and Coal Ore.
Medium Range Mining Satellite: Provides Iron, Copper and Coal Ore, Water Ice (with SE) and Barreled Oil.
Long Range Mining Satellite: Provides Iron, Copper, Coal, Uranium, Vulcanite (With SE) and Cryonite Ore (With SE), Water Ice (With SE) and Barreled Oil.
Mobile Base Satellite: Provides various early game resources.
Surveillance Satellite: Can discover new zones with SE installed and allow usage of the star map, the universe explorer and the navigational uplink.
Orbital Strike Satellite: Destroys Enemy Bases (such as Biter Bases) from Orbit using explosive missiles.
Nuclear Orbital Strike Satellite: Destroys Enemy Bases (such as Biter Bases) from Orbit using Nukes.
Other mods can also add their own satellites.
That should be it, if you have any suggestions please post a reply.
The post has been made to collect public reception for the mod, so that I get an actually good number of downloads on the mod when it releases. Please comment on this post if you like the mod, it helps a lot! Also download the mod if it has released yet!
Varied Satellites is the idea for a mod which adds various satellites, specialized in various tasks. The mod would by full release be compatible with Space Exploration and later I might add SE+K2 Compatibility. Features (will be fully configurable by full release):
1. 4 New Science Packs (can be disabled)
2. Large changes to Space Science Production (Rocket science while using SE)
3. Rocket Production majorly changed (Can be configured)
4. Multiple new satellites and rebrand of the base satellite
5. More Rocket Silos (May be changed in the future)
6. Data Cards, Observatories and Computers!
7. Fun Without the Grind (Applies to all of my mods)
Standard Science Progressions:
Normal Factorio:
Automation -> Logistics -> Chemical -> Utility and Production -> Space
Space Exploration:
Automation -> Logistics -> Chemical -> Rocket -> Space -> Utility and Production -> Astronomic, Energy, Material and Biological (T1-T4) -> Deep Space (T1-T4)
This Mod (Without SE):
Automation -> Logistics -> Electronics -> Chemical -> Computation -> Utility and Production -> Digital -> Space -> Exploration
This Mod (With SE):
Automation -> Logistics -> Electronics -> Chemical -> Computation -> Rocket -> Digital -> Space -> Exploration -> Utility and Production -> Astronomic, Energy, Material and Biological (T1-T4) -> Deep Space (T1-T4)
This mod modifies the whole Science Progression without SE, but changes mostly the early to mid game Science Progression with SE. Both of these facts are shown above. I will have a proper picture for this when the mod is released.
Electronics Science Pack:
Used to unlock Advanced Circuits, Basic Computation Machines and Chemical Science Packs
Computation Science Pack:
Without SE:
Used to unlock Utility and Production Science Packs, as well as Standard Computation Machines.
With SE:
Used to unlock the Rocket Silo as well as Rocket Science Packs and Standard Computation Machines.
Digital Science Pack:
Without SE:
Used to unlock Space Science and the Rocket Silo, as well as Advanced Computation Machines.
With SE:
Used to unlock Space Science and Advanced Computation Machines.
Exploration Science Pack:
Without SE:
End Game Science Pack. Unlocks various infinite technologies and the Quantum Computation Machines.
With SE:
Used to unlock Utility and Production Science Packs. Quantum Computation Machines are locked behind T1 Astronomic, T1 Energy and T2 Material Science Packs instead.
Planned Recipe types:
Data Card Data Processing:
When Created, Data Cards are almost completely empty, except for identification. This recipe type creates data and stores it on data cards, Performed in Computation Machines. Some recipes may only produce partly filled Data Cards. Larger Data Cards and more complex Data can only be made in higher level Computation Machines. Required for making Computation, Digital, Rocket (in SE), Utility (Without SE), Production (Without SE), Space and Exploration Science Packs.
Data Card DeFragmentation:
When processed, some Data Cards will be completely fine. But some will be Fragmented due to Computation and Data Read/Write Errors. These Data Cards can be DeFragmented to restore them to a valid state. That can be done with this recipe type, Performed in Standard, Advanced and Quantum Computation Machines.
Data Card Reformatting:
Data Cards must be formatted for the type of data they need to store. That can be done with this recipe type, Performed in Computation Machines. Larger Data Cards and more Advanced Formats must be processed in higher level Computation Machines. Required for Digital, Space and Exploration Science Packs
Satellite Construction:
Satellites require special production machines to be constructed. They also require blueprints for how you wish to configure your satellites. The blueprints are stored on data cards and the data is consumed during the production process done in the Satelite Assembling Facility. Once used, Data Cards must be refurbished through a 2 step process.
Satellite Mission Uplink:
Once Constructed and Launched, Satellites produce a Satelite Uplink according to their type. These are processed into useful data through a really slow process, Performed in a special Mission Control Centre building. This provides Computation Machines with both Space and Exploration Base Data (In SE, Rocketry Base Data instead of Space Base Data) for processing into Space and Exploration Science Packs (In SE, Rocket Science instead of Space Science) It can also provide Satellite Resource Uplinks, depending on the type of satellite.
Space Observation Telescoping:
The Observatory produces Computation Base Data for processing into Computation Science Packs.
Radar Data Uplink:
Radars are now more advanced. The Radar Data Uplink produces Electronics Base Data for processing into Electronics Science Packs. The speed is dependent on the number of active radars. Radars have moved into the Tech Tree now, requiring Logistics Science Packs.
Blueprint Printing:
Some items could be made more efficiently than they currently do. But assemblers don't know how to do that. This recipe type is used to produce blueprints required for making various items using a more efficient recipe, and is Processed in the Blueprint Printer. It is an alternative for until you can make a computing machine and Data Cards.
Satellite Landing Pad Uplink:
Some recipes in the Mission Control Centre will produce a Satellite Resource Uplink, which are processed with the Satellite Landing Pad Uplink into resources collected from space.
DataScience Flask Filling:
To make Computation, Digital, Rocket (with SE), Space (without SE) and Exploration Science Packs, you will need a special machine - A DataScience Flask Filler, which will somehow transfer the data on data cards into standardized Science Packs for use in Standardized Science Labs. The DataScience Flask Filler can also fill Space Science Cylinders when using SE.
Extreme Coolant Cooling:
Quantum Computing Machines require a very large source of coolant, and at extreme temperatures too. That is done in the Extreme Coolant Cooling Tower (can only be placed in space with SE installed) which produces 500°C steam and -273°C Quantum Coolant from Water. (Quantum Coolant is named after the fact it is used to cool Quantum Computing Devices, not based on the Quantum state of the Coolant)
Changed Existing Mekanisms:
Some Items have two recipes now, one requiring a blueprint and one that doesn't.
Satellites now use their own construction building, which requires blueprints stored on data cards.
The Rocket Silo now produces Satellite Uplinks.
There are now 12 Science Packs. (32 with SE)
Many researches have been changed to use the 4 New Science Packs.
Utility and Production Science Packs now require computation work to create. (Without SE only)
Satellite Types and their uses:
Base Satellite: Cannot be launched - Used only to create other satellites.
Short Range Science Satellite: Used to produce Space Science Packs. (Rocket Science Packs in SE) Can also discover new zones with SE installed
Long Range Science Satellite: Used to produce Exploration Science Packs.
Short Range Mining Satellite: Provides Iron, Copper and Coal Ore.
Medium Range Mining Satellite: Provides Iron, Copper and Coal Ore, Water Ice (with SE) and Barreled Oil.
Long Range Mining Satellite: Provides Iron, Copper, Coal, Uranium, Vulcanite (With SE) and Cryonite Ore (With SE), Water Ice (With SE) and Barreled Oil.
Mobile Base Satellite: Provides various early game resources.
Surveillance Satellite: Can discover new zones with SE installed and allow usage of the star map, the universe explorer and the navigational uplink.
Orbital Strike Satellite: Destroys Enemy Bases (such as Biter Bases) from Orbit using explosive missiles.
Nuclear Orbital Strike Satellite: Destroys Enemy Bases (such as Biter Bases) from Orbit using Nukes.
Other mods can also add their own satellites.
That should be it, if you have any suggestions please post a reply.