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Carbon Trees and new Enemies as well as some other stuff!

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2022 1:24 am
by Kronosiesium
Recently I was thinking of some cool things Factorio could add.
here are my ideas:


1: Carbon Trees.
Carbon trees when connected to a power and water source can be used to reduce pollution in an area. As an output they produce carbon.
blender concept attached.

2: Barbed Wire.
Barbed wire would be a very early game defense method. It is crafted with 5 iron plates and can be placed down almost anywhere. when something walks into it, it damages the entity and the barbed wire. It can also be placed on walls.


1: carbon.
uses: used to make solid fuel.

1: jumpers.
jumpers are enemies that can jump over walls. the best way to stop them is by placing barbed wire on top of the walls.

Re: Carbon Trees and new Enemies as well as some other stuff!

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2022 4:33 am
by ssilk
i move this to mod-suggestions…