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[1.1.69] spidertron-remote stack_size inconsistencies between data and control phase

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2022 10:01 pm
by CaitSith2
I started playing around with stack size related stuff in the prototypes and have noted that the game is mostly consistent of not letting the mod run when stack sizes of things that should be 1 are not 1. The exception is the spidertron-remote prototype.

The game silently clamps the stack_size of spidertron-remote prototype items to 1, even if a stack size modification sets it higher. It also seems to leave the runtime LuaItemPrototype.stackable property as true, even though it should be false. The only time the flag is false at runtime is if it was explicitly set as such during the prototype phase.

I am mostly looking to be able to reliably extract the stackable information without needing to check the item type, and the spidertron-remote prototype is a complete outlier in this regard.

Ideally, given that items from this prototype NEVER stack, the stack size SHOULD be enforced to be 1 during the prototype phase, with the stackable flag silently set to false.

Re: [1.1.69] spidertron-remote stack_size inconsistencies between data and control phase

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2022 10:49 am
by boskid
Thanks for the report. Lets see how many mods are broken by my changes. Instead of forcing stack size to 1, it will not force any values anymore, but if it happens to be different than 1 it will throw instead. LuaItemPrototype::stackable should also be fixed for 1.1.70.