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Re: Version 0.16.14

Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2018 12:46 pm
by sicklag

Re: Version 0.16.14

Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2018 1:01 pm
by Elok
Kane wrote:Thanks for adding more and more features to PvP is there a way we can maybe rename it down the road? Not sure how to rename it but I think more and more people are using it for none PvP Servers and we also do and love to see more features for that.

Also is there any kind of decent scripts yet that let people join mid game and create a base for them fresh? Say in chunks that never been generated before?

I love to be able to create a more open server where people can drop in and out at will without having create a new server every day for new players in a sense if possible. I think the biggest issue here is Evo % and creating a new base on the fly. But with the new generation performance in 16 should not lag much?
Maybe Competitive Mode?

And I agree, we are using the PvP mode in our server so everyone can start their own base more easily and nobody is "depending" on the research of another player.

Some trading (train?) station would be nice to allow some trade between force. Something like "Pay 100 iron here, received 1 green circuit" or "Pay 10000 copper, 10000 iron and receive X Research".

Also, am I wrong or a player that joined team A cannot decide to change Force to start a new base? Would be great is a "Change Team and respawn is leader allow it" option were avalaible.

Also, one of our biggest problem in our PvP game is that if TeamA connect to play their base, if TeamB doesn't have any connected player then their base will be attacked by bitter. That mean that unless "every base" are 100% secure with hot, repair pack and defence production, one player in every team need to be connected at all time.

It will be great if there was an option to "deactivate" a force Base surrounding bitter if no player are connected (Shutdown so the base stop producing pollution?). Also, something about some sort of separate evolution let force would be nice too (someone that would start a new force in my PvP game may receive behemot bitter in their first attack).

Re: Version 0.16.14

Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2018 1:16 pm
by Elok
sicklag wrote:Good that you roll AMD mister Squingy cuz AMD is also affected..
Please guys think and read before you post things they are just wrong...
"Meltdown" (the most dangerous exploit) only affect Intel. "Spectre" (the less dangerous one) affect Intel but "may" also infect AMD and ARM.

Back to Meltdown , without going to far I to detail, it's related to pre-emptive calculation. Sometime the CPU take shortcut to process faster. In Intel case, they validate the user authentication "after" the calculation was made, AMD do it before.

In other words, if you were a Virus that will request a password, the CPU will give you the password then check if you have the right to have it. (This example isn't completely accurate, but it give an idea).

Re: Version 0.16.14

Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2018 1:39 pm
by Koub
[Koub] OK what was a joke about the devs being epic optimizers on a "minor release" topic, it became a discussion of the insides of vulnerabilities, with real chunks of Pro AMD vs Pro Intel Fight.
There is already a topic to discuss that in Off topic.
After my post, any post speaking of the Meltdown and Spectre exploits will be split into the Off-Topic thread.

Re: Version 0.16.14

Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2018 2:35 pm
by Elok
Thanks for the intervension Koub, I also felt the discussion were going off-topic and I was considering deleting my post.

Another feature that would be interesting in multiplayer would be a sort of "Anti-Troll" mode. Another issue we had in our PvP server is that one of the player invited his friend and joined his force. All diplomacy was in "Ally" mode but, well, didn't stop him from connecting in the middle of the night, taking a few nuke and destroy every base.

Good thing I made a manual save a few day before but something to help handling this would be nice.

One easy fix would be that if a player, in 1 hour, either :
- Destroy let's say more than 50 entities or
- Deconstruct more than 50 without rebuildiing 20
It would take the lattest save before this event and make a backup copy of it with special name (ex.: BeforeHostility_01052018_0934.sav). And, by default, 3 of those files would be kept.

Re: Version 0.16.14

Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2018 3:21 pm
by Zavian
I'm pretty sure you can already set autosaves to something like 96 autosaves at every 30 mins. That way you would have 48 hrs of autosaves, and can just revert to before the griefing started.

Re: Version 0.16.14

Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2018 3:26 pm
by Elok
Yeah I was looking for those but didn't find the option for a dedictated server. Where are they? Do I need to change a config file or there's console like to change this?

Re: Version 0.16.14

Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2018 3:48 pm
by Zavian
I believe they are options you can add to server-settings.json. (They are in data/server-settings.example.json).

Re: Version 0.16.14

Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2018 5:54 pm
by irbork
PacifyerGrey wrote: Here you go
Twinsen wrote:Just as a quick update we are actively working on fixing all the belt issues including sideloading and experimenting with compression.
Due to the complexity of belts, because of all the optimizations, this is not easy, so bear with us.
Where do you find those news first hand? Special forum section, social media or just random browsing?

Re: Version 0.16.14

Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2018 7:06 pm
by milo christiansen
Paying attention to the bug reports forum (that is where that quote comes from IIRC).

Re: Version 0.16.14

Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2018 9:37 pm
by Koub
irbork wrote:
PacifyerGrey wrote: Here you go
Twinsen wrote:Just as a quick update we are actively working on fixing all the belt issues including sideloading and experimenting with compression.
Due to the complexity of belts, because of all the optimizations, this is not easy, so bear with us.
Where do you find those news first hand? Special forum section, social media or just random browsing?
There you have your source :)