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Version 0.10.3
Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 3:27 pm
by slpwnd
Factorio 0.10.3 experimental bugfix release has just been released.
- Features:
- Slider input (smart inserter gui, logistic gui) now has an alternative of specifying the value exactly.
- Bugfixes:
- Changes:
- Changed the logistic robot supply strategy.
For player, robots take just enough items to fulfill exactly the requested amount, so he doesn't get more than he asked for.
For requester chests, robots take always as much as they can carry and leave it in the chest, so it can get more than requested.
- Consistent stack sizes for guns.
- Lights rendering quality can be set in the graphics settings.
- Configuration option max-texture-size in config file section [graphics]
- Scripting:
- API call game.printentitystatistics now takes optional list of entity names that acts as a filter.
- Graphics:
- Updated exoskeleton equipment.
- Updated iron and steel axe icons.
- Optimisations:
Use the automatic updater if you can (check experimental updates in other settings) or download full installation at
Re: Version 0.10.3
Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 3:28 pm
by TheWombatGuru
is this also ff #42? Always nice to have bug fixes
Re: Version 0.10.3
Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 6:48 pm
by Jump
I get a Windows SmartScreen popup with the full version setup download:
Windows SmartScreen prevented an unrecognized app from starting. Running this app might put your PC at risk.
Didn't get this with the 0.10.2 or previous versions. Upgrading using the in game updater works fine.
Re: Version 0.10.3
Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 7:58 pm
by boki
The links for this two are same.
Re: Version 0.10.3
Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 8:45 pm
by ThaPear
boki wrote:
The links for this two are same.
Yeah, because they're both issues from the same thread.
Thanks for the update! Loving this game, spent way too much time on it already.
Re: Version 0.10.3
Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2014 4:58 pm
by Neotix
Juppi, memory leaking is fixed. I'm using a lot of mods so Factorio (64bit) RAM usage raised ~700kB/s and I had to restart entire game time to time. Now it's stable around 1,7GB

Re: Version 0.10.3
Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2014 6:42 pm
by Drexir
I used the automatic in-game updater. When it finished updating the game crashed. I immediately loaded back up the game and it didn't seem to hurt anything. Maybe... 1) The new Data Downloaded, 2) It tried to execute code based on that new data. 3) But that new data wasn't loaded therefore the game just crashed. Obviously not a an issue. Actually after writing that I do have enable new mods automatically, if that wasn't enabled maybe the game wouldn't have crashed. So yea not really a problem. Some time in the future maybe add something that allows you to reload the game data after you update. Or check for updates before the game actually loads any data. I'm thinking the first option is probably the better solution.
The second problem I found is that the light quality slider in the options menu moving it and then returning to the option menu the slider glitches out like this:
Also it doesn't save the setting. I went to the config file and seen it sitting at 0.2 (default). I tried to change it manually in the config file to 0.9 or 1.0 and it doesn't seem to save oddly enough. As soon as you load up the game it overwrites it back with the default. So I made the file in windows read only with a value of 0.9 Needless to say the game couldn't overwrite it. But obviously it didn't reflect the change for the in-game slider. Loaded up the game and it was hard to know what I was looking for. So I started placing abunch of lights. I noticed there were some jagged edges on the characters cone of light:
Then I tried the same process only with a value of 1 (the max I assume). This time I cropped the image to the relevant parts (I don't want to spam a bunch of large images):
To my amazement it improved the jagged players cone of light by a lot. It's hard to compare other light sources. But at least this shows that the option is working it's just you can't adjust it in-game or edit the config file w/o making it read only. The problem is of course when you exit the game it crashes. (it can't overwrite my setting and it's mad I guess!)
Configuration option max-texture-size in config file section [graphics]
This option doesn't appear to be in the config file.
Misc. Suggestion: Please add more and/or better graphics options. One option I would like to see is resolution options. Second maybe some kind of anisotropic filtering?
And as I always suggest support for HiDPI monitors. Running at 2560x1600 the GUI is tiny. Which has left me with no desire to test the game more. As I can't play before my eyes start to strain trying to read text or make out what things are like icons or the minimap.
edit: put spoiler tags around the images so not everyone is loading giant sized images. They are small in size roughly around 500KB
Re: Version 0.10.3
Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2014 11:17 pm
by ludsoe
Was there a change to the animation speeds of explosions in the last couple updates? Mo weather is only animating a couple frames of the rain before it disappears.
Re: Version 0.10.3
Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 6:08 am
by generalmek
guys can you make 3 lvls of difficulty? practice normal and hard
practice no aggressive monsters a lot of resources. all tech researched yet
normal- normal generated map
hard - a lot of monster bases a lot of resourses but rare, and 2x-5x research cost depend at basic needed tech.
i think its easy make 3 buttons with this settings map generation.
because if you research laser turets you get immortal. hard give more long play with railway until you get lasers you must use all for survive mine, flame thrower, grenades,
i dont know for what need shotgun, if you have auto-rifle(machine-gun). combat shotgun best weapon and for what need rockets i dont know. need make balance.
Re: Version 0.10.3
Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 9:43 am
by ssilk
I think, this isn't that easy. The terrain/resources can make a big difference,if a game is easy or hard.
I think more to "scenarios", where everything is fixed, but you only have some buttons or one slider to change the setting of that scenario and it will generate that, what is promised in the description of the scenario. That lays the responsibility if a scenario is well playable or not in the hand of the creator and not the player.
Re: Version 0.10.3
Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 10:02 am
by generalmek
ssilk wrote:I think, this isn't that easy. The terrain/resources can make a big difference,if a game is easy or hard.
I think more to "scenarios", where everything is fixed, but you only have some buttons or one slider to change the setting of that scenario and it will generate that, what is promised in the description of the scenario. That lays the responsibility if a scenario is well playable or not in the hand of the creator and not the player.
i want play on hard and watch in statistics word hard planet or something. if you set all settings for generation on low(monsters on high) you die. because you cant kill big base with pistol or mashingun. i dislike play on easy, or play and dont know which difficulty lvl you generate.
maybe need dificulty scale depends at presets as easy way.
best will be planet select compain with different terain.
Re: Version 0.10.3
Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2014 2:20 am
by Marconos
You can kill the large bases with a machine gun and 2nd level bullets. Just takes some work

Re: Version 0.10.3
Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2014 1:41 pm
by SHiRKiT
Marconos wrote:You can kill the large bases with a machine gun and 2nd level bullets. Just takes some work

You saying that you can kill a 10+ spawners base with 5+ big worms and 5+ medium worms with machine guns? I don't buy that.
Re: Version 0.10.3
Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2014 1:54 pm
by Marconos
SHiRKiT wrote:Marconos wrote:You can kill the large bases with a machine gun and 2nd level bullets. Just takes some work

You saying that you can kill a 10+ spawners base with 5+ big worms and 5+ medium worms with machine guns? I don't buy that.
You said early game, early game big / medium worms don't exist. They have to evolve to those. Once you have Big / Medium worms you'll have capsules and MK1 armor. Can be done with those items, though you still have to do work.
Re: Version 0.10.3
Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2014 7:07 pm
by generalmek
Marconos wrote:SHiRKiT wrote:Marconos wrote:You can kill the large bases with a machine gun and 2nd level bullets. Just takes some work

You saying that you can kill a 10+ spawners base with 5+ big worms and 5+ medium worms with machine guns? I don't buy that.
You said early game, early game big / medium worms don't exist. They have to evolve to those. Once you have Big / Medium worms you'll have capsules and MK1 armor. Can be done with those items, though you still have to do work.
without armour you cant kill 10+bases. because if you not research or stop research laser turets you die. until you fight you cant make defence or base - its mean you cant make normal defence with simple turrets on first 20-40min. give me letsplay where you set generation and with machine-gun kill big base on 1 hour with normal future defence perespective. and give as link ))) simple?
Re: Version 0.10.3
Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2014 8:15 pm
by ThaPear
You can do quite a lot of killing using the car. Simply drive around in circles around the biters, shooting only at the spawners.
When you've got a too large group of them chasing you, either return to base and let the turrets kill them or kill the biters yourself using poison capsules.
Re: Version 0.10.3
Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2014 10:38 pm
by Marconos
generalmek wrote:without armour you cant kill 10+bases. because if you not research or stop research laser turets you die. until you fight you cant make defence or base - its mean you cant make normal defence with simple turrets on first 20-40min. give me letsplay where you set generation and with machine-gun kill big base on 1 hour with normal future defence perespective. and give as link ))) simple?
Challenge accepted !! lol, fun times ahead. Will most likely be longer than an hour though.
Have to setup recording and a place to upload it ... will figure something out.
BTW: My standard play style is very few laser turrets, heavy gun turrets, no solar panels and very few accumulators. Map settings all normal except biters on very high with large or very large bases.
Re: Version 0.10.3
Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2014 9:30 am
by generalmek
Marconos wrote:generalmek wrote:without armour you cant kill 10+bases. because if you not research or stop research laser turets you die. until you fight you cant make defence or base - its mean you cant make normal defence with simple turrets on first 20-40min. give me letsplay where you set generation and with machine-gun kill big base on 1 hour with normal future defence perespective. and give as link ))) simple?
Challenge accepted !! lol, fun times ahead. Will most likely be longer than an hour though.
Have to setup recording and a place to upload it ... will figure something out.
BTW: My standard play style is very few laser turrets, heavy gun turrets, no solar panels and very few accumulators. Map settings all normal except biters on very high with large or very large bases.
monsters -very high, water -low, other normal