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Re: Version 0.11.1

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2014 2:30 pm
by Schorty
PalllaX wrote:I really hope the devs don't waste their important time to support XP. It's like supporting Internet explorer < 9.
kovarex wrote:Just to let you know, the xp support drop was because I moved to from Visual studio 2012 to Visual studio 2013 and I forgot to select the xp compatibile instruction set, it is 2 minutes of work, so I believe it is worth it :)
Keep calm, guys ;)

Re: Version 0.11.1

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2014 2:40 pm
by kovarex
This is not thread about os support, but about the 0.11 version. The xp support will be recovered, so no further discussion is needed. (Don't make me use the delete button for the first time).

Re: Version 0.11.1

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2014 2:41 pm
by drs9999
btw. congrats to >50k Factorians :D

Re: Version 0.11.1

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2014 4:54 pm
by StoneLegion
kovarex wrote:This is not thread about os support, but about the 0.11 version. The xp support will be recovered, so no further discussion is needed. (Don't make me use the delete button for the first time).
CENSORSHIP RIOT :P For the new 0.11 Version! Bahaha now you can't ;)

Re: Version 0.11.1

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2014 6:29 am
by Couchmonster
kovarex wrote:
Nova wrote:
Kane wrote:Sources:

so what 4.29%. Anyone who complains about no XP Support and is using XP should just get off here now. I'm sorry the simple fact is there is no more security updates. If you argue then you are not better then my 70 year old mother... Wait she has Windows 8 with Classic Start Menu.. Okay you are no better then the Grade 1 Students.... Oh Wait their actually working on the school website on Windows 7 machines....

Well I give up.. Either way unsupported outdated software is NOT supported nor should it be. I can't bitch about 10 year old Mac or 10 your old Linux Distro and Core not being supported. Why should you.
You miss the whole point. People still use this software, despite being outdated and insecure. The developer already said that it doesn't take any work to make it compatible, just one check mark. It's not the task of the devs to make people switch to a newer version.
That is all I wanted to hear :)
I was waiting for this update eagerly! Is it welcome to keep the devs informed how 3+ Multiplayer games run?

Re: Version 0.11.1

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2014 7:50 pm
by Lee_newsum
can you updaty Factorio Roadmap for 0.11 + 0.12 wen you have time.

Re: Version 0.11.1

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2014 12:06 pm
by boki
I am still using windows xp and do not have plans any time soon to change it.
Thank you for fixing the problem.
I hope that you will continue to support win xp, but I will understand if in the future you will not be able to do it. If it ever happens I would not be able to play the game any more, and probably would like a refund.

Re: Version 0.11.1

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2014 12:11 pm
by Boogieman14
I don't think it's very realistic to expect a refund because a game won't run on an old and unsupported operating system. Besides, you're playing it now, so you're getting what you paid for (which is the state of the game right now and no promise at all about the future)

Re: Version 0.11.1

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2014 12:35 pm
by boki
Boogieman14 wrote:I don't think it's very realistic to expect a refund because a game won't run on an old and unsupported operating system. Besides, you're playing it now, so you're getting what you paid for (which is the state of the game right now and no promise at all about the future)
Sorry you are wrong.
I payed for a finished game. If the game does not work, or doesn't get finished you have a right as a consumer to get a refund.
If finished game can not be played it means i can ask for a refund. Operating system support stopped a long time before microsoft announced it(around 4 years ago) so nothing changed there, but they can close down online technical assistance/support now. Windows xp most importantly is still supported from things that matter most and that is security software (and that mattered for the last 5 years or so, and nothing will change when it comes to that in near future).

Re: Version 0.11.1

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2014 1:50 pm
by sillyfly
I don't think you are right.
The purchase page specifically states you are buying an alpha-version, and the FAQ says you will get all future updates. Nowhere is it promised that the game will ever be finished. That is why some people prefer not purchasing games before they are finished.
That said, I have a lot of confidence in the Factorio team, and they have proved themselves over and over again, so I don't think there is any concern development will stop short of a complete version.

About Windows XP - the extended support has ended in April this year - this means Microsoft no longer provides security updates for it, and Microsoft's security tools will not be updated (MSSE stopped in April, MMSRT ended in July). Using XP is putting yourself at risk, but that is your own choice, and you are entitled to it.
As to saying you will be eligible for a refund - I don't think this is reasonable. Microsoft announced XP will end it's extended support way before it actually ended. The game also doesn't run on Windows 3.11, but you won't complain about that, would you?

As it is, and seeing as you (just like everyone else) payed for a non-complete game, you can always choose to not upgrade to a version that doesn't support your choice of OS. I actually always wait a few days before I get the newest version to see that there are no critical bugs. I have a friend who only downloads the stable versions.

Please do not take this as a personal offense, but I really think you have nothing to complain about, and I strongly recommend that you switch to a more secure OS than XP. If you can't afford buying a new version of Windows you can always switch to Linux.

Reference: ... pport.aspx

Re: Version 0.11.1

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2014 2:13 pm
by boki
sillyfly wrote:I don't think you are right.
The purchase page specifically states you are buying an alpha-version, and the FAQ says you will get all future updates. Nowhere is it promised that the game will ever be finished. That is why some people prefer not purchasing games before they are finished.
That said, I have a lot of confidence in the Factorio team, and they have proved themselves over and over again, so I don't think there is any concern development will stop short of a complete version.

About Windows XP - the extended support has ended in April this year - this means Microsoft no longer provides security updates for it, and Microsoft's security tools will not be updated (MSSE stopped in April, MMSRT ended in July). Using XP is putting yourself at risk, but that is your own choice, and you are entitled to it.
As to saying you will be eligible for a refund - I don't think this is reasonable. Microsoft announced XP will end it's extended support way before it actually ended. The game also doesn't run on Windows 3.11, but you won't complain about that, would you?

As it is, and seeing as you (just like everyone else) payed for a non-complete game, you can always choose to not upgrade to a version that doesn't support your choice of OS. I actually always wait a few days before I get the newest version to see that there are no critical bugs. I have a friend who only downloads the stable versions.

Please do not take this as a personal offense, but I really think you have nothing to complain about, and I strongly recommend that you switch to a more secure OS than XP. If you can't afford buying a new version of Windows you can always switch to Linux.

Reference: ... pport.aspx
First when commenting about FAQ you should read it.
You are buying a alpha game, that will be finished. Nowhere is it promised it will be finished? Dude, there is no reason to promise something like that because that is common sense. In fact if you actually read FAQ you will see that the finished version is promised, even when it will be released. This is mind blowing to me that I even need to comment something like this.

About your win xp. Using xp is not putting you at any more risk now than it was 4 years ago. MMSRT was never used in he first place as same as MSSE. Those are antivirus software. The date when microsoft announced doesn't matter. I would complain about windows 3.1 if the game was sold for that OS, as was the case for factorio.

There is nothing to chose about, we all payed for a game in alpha, that will be finished (saying anything else than than is stupid and shooting your self in a foot). If you are of those people that think that games in alpha should not be finished, i have no comments than.

Re: Version 0.11.1

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2014 2:48 pm
by DJ-LeXx
Kann kein Update ausführen .....

Re: Version 0.11.1

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2014 3:44 pm
by cube
DJ-LeXx wrote:Kann kein Update ausführen .....
Three possible reasons come to mind:
1) Your internet connection failed for a monent -- try again.
2) was down for a moment -- try again
3) You use proxy for connecting to the internet but didn't fill it in in the settings -- set your proxy and try again.

Re: Version 0.11.1

Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2014 3:01 pm
by AttarCaldero
Hi Factorio Team & community,

my colleague and me tested the MP with Dytech mods and we figured out, that the logistic robots are the reason why the game desyncs. If we use belts there was no desync in more than 6h gameplay. I hope you could fix the MP communication between 2 (or more) Computers and lower the data amount for communication (maybe by compressing the data before sent and decompressing them after receive). Something like a live compressor/decompressor. Our Computer are strong enough to handle an additional calculation.

Only 100 Logistic robots are necessary to crash the syncronisation. After a longer Time ingame, the bots are more than necessary. It is not possible to place so many belts for so many factories. Only our green curcuits are produced in 24 factories, the red in 12, Blue in 6, und the highly advanced in 4. To manage a so big amount of resources you need bots.

We will try to make the production without the robots, but I dont know, if it is possible.

Good work soon,
Best Regards,


Re: Version 0.11.1

Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2014 3:52 pm
by Nova
AttarCaldero wrote:To manage a so big amount of resources you need bots.
No, you don't. I never did understand why so many people use the bots for everything. Some people don't want special setting for the splitter or more complex belt organizers. They talk about "removing the core of Factorio", but removing belts at all is okay?
Of course, they may be easier to handle, but they are boring in my opinion. I only use them for small, expensive components like the modules or the processor units (blue circuits) or something like that.

Re: Version 0.11.1

Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2014 3:59 pm
by PalllaX
Nova wrote:
AttarCaldero wrote:To manage a so big amount of resources you need bots.
No, you don't. I never did understand why so many people use the bots for everything. Some people don't want special setting for the splitter or more complex belt organizers. They talk about "removing the core of Factorio", but removing belts at all is okay?
Of course, they may be easier to handle, but they are boring in my opinion. I only use them for small, expensive components like the modules or the processor units (blue circuits) or something like that.
Because they save your time and building space [period]

Re: Version 0.11.1

Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2014 4:07 pm
by Nova
Yeah, and fun [period] :P

(Oh, and to clarify that: I just want to say that you don't need them. They may be beneficial or just better, but you could still use belts without a huge drop in productivity.)

Re: Version 0.11.1

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2014 7:37 pm
by Davkilla101
I just upgraded from 0.9.8 to this version, and all I can say is: Good Gawd that overhaul

Re: Version 0.11.1

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2014 2:04 am
by -root
Davkilla101 wrote:I just upgraded from 0.9.8 to this version, and all I can say is: Good Gawd that overhaul
Well, you missed the entirety of the .10 branch, so you missed a lot of stuff. :mrgreen: I can only imagine, it would be like having an entirely new game! :lol: