[1.1.5] 1.1 ghost building changes impact usability of LuaSurface.can_place_entity
Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2020 12:45 am
The build_check_type flag on LuaSurface.can_place_entity was added (viewtopic.php?f=65&t=57632) in response to my need to check if a ghost was already present at a position for this mod: https://mods.factorio.com/mod/replicating-belts
In 1.1, the new rules allowing placement of overlapping ghosts (even with the same orientation as the original ghost) has broken the use case of checking if a ghost is already present. Could the function return a failure if the new placement does not rotate, instead of just saying all ghost builds are valid (which seems fairly useless)?
In 1.1, the new rules allowing placement of overlapping ghosts (even with the same orientation as the original ghost) has broken the use case of checking if a ghost is already present. Could the function return a failure if the new placement does not rotate, instead of just saying all ghost builds are valid (which seems fairly useless)?