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[1.1.5] 1.1 ghost building changes impact usability of LuaSurface.can_place_entity

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2020 12:45 am
by shanemadden
The build_check_type flag on LuaSurface.can_place_entity was added (viewtopic.php?f=65&t=57632) in response to my need to check if a ghost was already present at a position for this mod:

In 1.1, the new rules allowing placement of overlapping ghosts (even with the same orientation as the original ghost) has broken the use case of checking if a ghost is already present. Could the function return a failure if the new placement does not rotate, instead of just saying all ghost builds are valid (which seems fairly useless)?

Re: [1.1.5] 1.1 ghost building changes impact usability of LuaSurface.can_place_entity

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2020 7:14 am
by boskid
In general ghosts should not be placeable on top of each other but there are some exceptions like ghosts from different forces. I will move this topic to pending because there was another batch of changes related to buildability checks for 1.1.6, one of which changes`build_check_types` so i will not be checking what is your particular issue right now in 1.1.5. When 1.1.6 will be out, let me know if its still broken or if it was fixed.
1_1_6_build_check_types.png (9.76 KiB) Viewed 1176 times