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[kovarex] [0.17.52] Crash: "!this->reservedSignals.empty() was not true"

Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2019 12:42 pm
by MagicKyrano

Factorio crashed while driving a train manually.


I was driving my train of size 2 loco's and 7 wagons manually to a location. Was in the middle of a (big) roundabout when another automatic train was driving close to the tail of my train. We were both still on/in the roundabout, when the automatic train was either hitting me on my last wagon, or being very close to it. At that exact moment the game crashed to desktop.

For relevance: The land is full of train roundabouts. I'm in the middle of replacing all rail and chain signals in all those roundabouts, leaving the rails themselves mostly unchanged. Am not 100% sure if the roundabout where the crash happened had been changed already, but if it was, it was less then 10 minutes ago.


Factorio 0.17.52
Linux Mint 18.x x64
Mods used (all were updated):
- Automatic Belt Direction (changes belt when placed)
- Rampant (changes biter difficulty)
- Swarm (changes biter difficulty)
Log and mods used are added as attachments.
Had problems uploading the save, so added an external URL for the save: Google Drive

Re: [0.17.52] Crash: "!this->reservedSignals.empty() was not true"

Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2019 1:08 pm
by Loewchen
Can you reproduce it with the save? If yes, state how please.

Re: [0.17.52] Crash: "!this->reservedSignals.empty() was not true"

Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2019 10:45 pm
by MagicKyrano
Reproducing it may be hard since, if my understanding of the source of the error is correct, it is a very precise combination of manually driving a train and meeting an automatically driven train.

However, I'll give it a try. Not sure when though.

Re: [0.17.52] Crash: "!this->reservedSignals.empty() was not true"

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2019 5:45 am
by boskid
Ref 72320
(same consistency check fails, however may be caused by different issue so i am not calling this duplicate)

Re: [kovarex] [0.17.52] Crash: "!this->reservedSignals.empty() was not true"

Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2019 1:27 pm
by kovarex
Don't know how it could happen, so I'm moving it to pending. If we have a reproducer we can take a look.