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[0.11.3] Multiplayer Desync Bug, with possible fix

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2014 7:09 pm
by xiphias
Hello all!

Me and my friends have been playing thing game quite a lot, but as soon as any game starts to have a lot of buildings in them, we tend to desync and we can't continue.
This seems to happened around 10 hours into a game, when we start having serious assembly lines. (saved game around 35mb)

We have tried everything everything we found information about (i.e. restarting routers, port forwarding, going via VPN, switching host, loading an earlier save etc.) but nothing worked,
but then we found a thread here in the forum (don't remember which) that stated that you should disconnect all power in your base (i.e. all machines and accumulators started blinking red) then
let the other people join, and that worked! We have to to that every time someone wants to join a game that has been going on for quite a while.

My guess is that it is a bug of some sort, so I am reporting in hope it will get fixed :) And for the people out there having the same one with their games, might be able to continue playing!

Edit: Didn't see that there was a place to put "Multiplayer Bugs", move it if you like :P

Re: [0.11.3] Multiplayer Desync Bug, with possible fix

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2014 11:16 am
by MF-
Care to attach the corrupt "other players cannot join" save?
The devs might be interested in that.