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Visual bug by window of pipe

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2018 10:12 pm
by darkfrei
I'm trying to make new graphics for pipes and I get some problems by prototypes definition. Don't move it to Modding help!

First Bu that I get comes from bigger window:

Code: Select all = 160 = 10
2018-12-03 22_54_58-Factorio 0.16.51.png
2018-12-03 22_54_58-Factorio 0.16.51.png (61.36 KiB) Viewed 1275 times

Much bigger problem I get when I want to change the image by the flow:

Code: Select all = mod_name..'/graphics/entities/'..'fluid-flow-low-temperature-32x8.png' = 32 = 8
Here I have some image 32 pixels wide and 8 pixels high, but it doesn't move (it's png, but the same gif will be also static, here is no movement)
2018-12-03 23_07_50-Factorio 0.16.51.png
2018-12-03 23_07_50-Factorio 0.16.51.png (79.62 KiB) Viewed 1275 times
It looks like some part of this prototype is hardcoded on the game side.

Re: Visual bug by window of pipe

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2019 7:37 am
by Rseding91
Thanks for the report. Can you post a mod and save that shows the problem and what you expect to happen?