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[16.30] crash while watching assembler production
Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2018 1:40 am
by Dune
I was watching assembler production with productivity modules when the crash happened. It was copper cable production. The production stopped because it had produced enough cable, and was waiting for some to be removed. Either as some was removed, or as it began to produce more the crash occurred.
Of note, the game didn't give its normal "you should report bugs to the forum" but came up with the operating system's "your program isn't responding" message.
Attached is the log file, game file and zip of mods. There is no dump file.
Re: [16.30] crash while watching assembler production
Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2018 3:24 am
by Rseding91
Thanks for the report. Do you have any way to reproduce the crash? It crashed rending items on a transport belt but I'm not able to reproduce the crash when I run your save file.
Re: [16.30] crash while watching assembler production
Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2018 4:36 am
by Dune
No, and the game after this crash has been very unstable. I've gone to 2 minute autosaves. The game crashes to desktop. The logfile simply ends, there's no debug stuff in it. Nor is there any dump file.
The game at one point crashed on an autosave, but again, no information.
Also, I was away from the computer once, and came back to a crash. So it doesn't appear to be anything I'm doing.
Here's an example, the game just crashed on me. Attached as well is the latest autosave. Unfortunately, the previous autosave was the crash on the autosave, because it is an autosave.tmp. I'm including it as well.
I do have an open, crash on autosave bug report, if it helps.
Re: [16.30] crash while watching assembler production
Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2018 5:01 am
by Zavian
Re: [16.30] crash while watching assembler production
Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2018 5:34 am
by Dune
Thanks Zavian. The first note, I was aware of. I've had my ryzen held up as the problem to other bug reports I've posted. It's one reason I wasn't reporting all the mysterious crashes. I try only to report ones that seem repeatable. I'll see about contacting AMD for a replacement processor.