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[Twinsen] [0.15.37] Circuit Network to Roboport:Item not existing as 0

Posted: Sun Oct 22, 2017 2:37 pm
by perahoky

i'm using circuit network 1 with deciders to set the filters of my (input) train station in circuit network 2.
The circuit network 1 receives the item counts from a roboport.
If there's a item not existing in the logistic network of the roboport, the item count isn't evaluated!
I've expected the item count of a non existing item evaluated as 0.

What i did:
- i have a roboport with a logistic network. Some items in the logistic network run out of storage (item not available).
- i have 4 deciders: { [IRON < 1000], [COAL < 1000], [COPPER < 1000], [SOLID FUEL < 1000] }
- all deciders outputs the same item-type as itemcount as they receive as input ("400 coal < 1000 :: 400 coal")
- the deciders are connect to the next circuit network 2, which connects to the filter inserters as "set filter".
- the inserter filters the neccessary items from a train cargo wagon.

What happened:
- If the item in the logistic network is out of storage (not available) the deciders "ITEM < 1000" evaluate as FALSE, i expected, a not available item is evaluated as 0!
- if the deciders return true, the filters are set correctly.

- i used a constant combinator output "ITEM-TYPE 1" to insert the item in the circuit network 1.
But i think thats even not correct!

What i expect
- "ITEM-TYPE =< 0 == true" if ITEM-TYPE is not available.
- alternatively: a constant value for "null" (value not set, not existing, not <= 0 or > 0) but then i need a second decider :( i need a decider with multiple inputs.

Thank you.
Screenshot when requested.


Re: [0.15.37] Circuit Network to Roboport:Item not existing as 0

Posted: Sun Oct 22, 2017 3:20 pm
by posila
perahoky wrote:I've expected the item count of a non existing item evaluated as 0.
It already works that way for purpose of the most conditions (exceptions are Anything, Everything and Each wildcards). Save file would be helpful.