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[0.15.18] Map shows incorrect position of turret range

Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2017 3:32 am
by Dr. Walrus
So I am traveling quite a ways away to search for some big ore patches, and after some travel I discovered my map showed that some unexplored area of the map was within range of a turret. There were not any turrets that I had built out there so it must be some sort of visual bug. Interestingly this only happens on the closest zoom level on the map before it switches to the detailed view. The the map is on any other zoom level all of the turret ranges display as they should.

So I'm looking at the map, and these turret ranges start to look familiar. So I go way up to my walls at my original base, and what do you know, they match up exactly to these false turret range images I'm getting on my map where I am expanding way down south. Whats more is the turrets I'm building to fight biters on my new expansion now show their ranges up at my original base. I would guess am 10,000 or more tiles south of the spawn. I am not playing with any mods.

These are pictures of the map with turret range turned on. You can clearly see where the real turrets are showing their range and where there is ghostly turret range with no source.
At the wall in my original base
At the expansion at the south of the map where I am building a railroad
This bug was found in 0.15.18. I can test in the latest version and provide a save and instructions to recreate if needed.

Re: [0.15.18] Map shows incorrect position of turret range

Posted: Sat Jun 10, 2017 8:32 am
by Loewchen
Dr. Walrus wrote:I can test in the latest version and provide a save and instructions to recreate if needed.
Yes, yes and yes please.

Re: [0.15.18] Map shows incorrect position of turret range

Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2017 6:21 pm
by Dr. Walrus
Here is the save and steps to see the problem. The save is the current version 0.15.28. The bugs still exist in this version.

The map file is too big fort the forums so here's the link for dropbox: ...

1) Directly south of the player there is a marker on the map titled "point of interest 2". With turret ranges turned on, zoom in the map as far as you can before it switches to the real view. You should be able to see some turret ranges on the map without any actual turrets there.

2) All the way at the south of the map, there is a walled off area with a bunch of stations called Aragane station. You should be able to see that the actual turrets in this wall have the same coverage range shape as the aberrant turret range from step 1.

3)Just north of aragane station is a marker called "point of interest 1". Zoom in again on that point and you can see some more turret ranges that don't correspond to actual turrets. Sharp eyed players will notice that these aberrant turret ranges look the same as the real turret ranges from just north of point of interest 2.

Bonus Bug) In aragane station, there is a location on the map titled "mining drill of interest". If you hover the mouse over that mining drill (whether in the map real view or actually taking a train there), and only that mining drill, the iron ore patch it is on will change color.