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Crash Report 13.19

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2016 6:53 am
by Nobblet

Been playing the experimental branch of factorio which was just updated to 13.19. However, since before 13.18 (precise version unknown) i've had a problem that the game randomly crashes. There doesn't seem to be clear logic behind it. Sometimes it happens after 5 minutes of gameplay, sometimes after 2 hours and always when doing something different. This has happened on newly generated maps or old saves and as such has gotten so annoying that I've made an account and hope that someone can help fixing this problem.

Logs from last 2 crashes are attached below.

Edit: Added mods and save file

Re: Crash Report 13.9

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2016 7:00 am
by Loewchen
Please upload the save-file and the mod folder as well.

Re: Crash Report 13.9

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2016 7:41 am
by Nobblet
Loewchen wrote:Please upload the save-file and the mod folder as well.
Edited the original post with the requested information.

Re: Crash Report 13.19

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2016 4:56 pm
by Rseding91
Do you have any way to reproduce any of the crashes?

It being as random as you say sounds like it could be RAM issues on your computer. The crash logs also don't point at something that really ever shows up in crash reports which further makes me think it's something weird going on.

Can you try running this some time if you can't reproduce the crash(s)?