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Instant de-sync after re-joining

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2016 5:43 pm
by Dupl3xxx
Was playing on a server when I was suddenly disconnected. At the time, I had just placed down two iron pipes and I was holding one copper pipe (mod). After de-syncing, the game automatically reconnected, and within 1 sec desynced again. After a few times of that looping, I killed the game via task-manager and tried to join again. desync to reconnect. Tried reinstalling the game, same result.

The other players on the server were able to play when I was not connected.

Windows 10 x64
Factorio 0.11.30 (tried using both "0.11.30" and "experimental" on steam. No difference.
Playing on a modded server with these mods:
The game has been re-installed by deleting the Factorio folder in the Steam-apps folder. I did not modify the files in the %appdata%/roaming/factorio folder.
All harddrives and SSDs report a "good" SMART status.

Gonna reconnect again now after a server restart. Will report back.
EDIT: works fine after server-restart

Re: Instant de-sync after re-joining

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2016 6:05 pm
by Rseding91
The issue is most likely related to one of the mods you're using being written incorrectly since you said it resolved its self after restarting the server and we haven't had any other reports similar to this.

If you can reproduce the desync without the mod(s) please let us know.

Re: Instant de-sync after re-joining

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2016 6:37 pm
by Loewchen
5dim seems to have several desync issues, we could reproduce them for all the offshore- and inline pumps.

Re: Instant de-sync after re-joining

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2016 7:02 pm
by Dupl3xxx
Alright, thanks!