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Allow gui_arrow to point to offscreen targets, like Alerts

Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2021 1:49 pm
by Stringweasel
Current Behaviour
Currently when you draw an arrow using set_gui_arrow. It looks like this for both types entity and position.


However, when the arrow moves off screen it dissapears, and you have no idea where the arrow (or your goal) is.

The Suggestion
Add an additional parameter to allow such arrows to point to offscreen targets, similar to alerts. This will not break any existing implementations.


It's not possible to easily mimic this using alerts because the alert arrows only show when hovering over the alert icon.

Use Cases
- It will help story/mission driven mods to create better markers to offscreen targets without having to go to map view.
- Point an arrow to your car that you lost and you can run to it, without having to go to map view, or struggle to keep you cursor on the alert.
- In my Demolision Derby mod I want to have arrows point to players when they're offscreen for better map awareness.

Re: Allow gui_arrow to point to offscreen targets, like Alerts

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2022 4:54 pm
by Xorimuth
+1 this would be very useful for my mod Factory Search.