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regex support in name migration

Posted: Fri Jul 12, 2019 7:17 am
by Optera
For LTN to indicate carriage positions I am generating virtual signals for every rolling stock in data phase.
The virtual signal names are currently "LTN-" which can get in conflict with other LTN signals so i need to rename them to something more unique like "ltn-position-"
However this also means the old signals vanish from all combinators.
Add regex support to migration so we can migrate auto generated names as well as hard coded ones.
For example to migrate all base rolling stock currently this is required:

Code: Select all

    ["LTN-locomotive", "ltn-position-locomotive"],
    ["LTN-cargo-wagon", "ltn-position-cargo-wagon"],
    ["LTN-fluid-wagon", "ltn-position-fluid-wagon"],
    ["LTN-artillery-wagon", "ltn-position-artillery-wagon"]
with regex it would become this:

Code: Select all

    [["LTN-(.*)", "ltn-position-$1"]

Re: regex support in name migration

Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2019 7:49 pm
by Mylon
+1 for this.

I ran into a similar problem where my mod generates items based on robots, including modded robots. Turns out I had a recipe conflict with another mod, so I changed my naming scheme to be more unique. The recipes are easy to resolve, but there's no easy way to resolve this for modded items.

Re: regex support in name migration

Posted: Mon Sep 09, 2019 10:49 pm
by Rseding91
I've thought about this a few times and what it might break if I did it. I don't want to attempt it right now with stable potentially right around the corner but I'm open to looking into it after that.