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on_wire_connected & on_wire_disconnected

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2019 5:39 pm
by Muppet9010
Can an event be added for both on_wire_connected & on_wire_disconnected to include both connected entities of the wire, the wire type and for player and bot. The player one should include the magic BP free wires.

I am aware this has been requested over the years, but the developer answer was a lack of a valid reason.
I am also aware that there is some workaround code in the miniloader code to achieve this.

Use cases
mini load mod already (Therax): ... placed.lua
I want to make an audit mod for multiplayer that records all player actions to provide better accountability and educational path for newer players than the built-in "last user" feature.
In multiplayer I want to detect inter force manual connection of ally or neutral power poles or circuit networks and react within the mod.
This other new mod that has just come out will need a similar solution, but doesn't seem the modder has realised/addressed this yet:

I am currently limited to using forces that are enemies and via API setting a duel direction cease-fire to stop these manual connections with monitoring on_entity_built for automatically connected power poles.