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Multiple equipment grids

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2016 12:17 am
by ShinyAfro
Pretty simple, allowing multiple equipment grids, not sure how easy that would be to implement but it could in my opinion be quite useful.
For example, imagine if someone could make a equipment grid where only power generators can be placed instead of the regular grid, where only energy storage and energy consuming equipment can be placed.
Potentially modders might be able to make a fuel grid and have a generator draw from that too, instead of in inventory like some fuel-burning equipment generators do.
instead of
equipment_grid = "equipment-grid"
it would be like so
equipment_grid = {"equipment-grid1", "equipment-grid2", "equipment-grid3"}

Having them as extra tabs like in trains could potentially work well, especially with a tab name function. Could go as far as to change how modules work and have them as a building equipment slot item that goes into a building equipment slot named "modules" for example.

Re: Multiple equipment grids

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2016 10:55 am
by bobingabout
We've just got equipment grids on vehicles, now you want multiple of them. :roll:

I'm not saying a bad thing but still.

Re: Multiple equipment grids

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2016 10:28 am
by ShinyAfro
hey, if you want something you should ask for it. no point being quiet. its not like it matters when they add it, now, next year. its just a mere suggestion. Just be polite and don't barrage them with requests over the same thing and don't complain if they don't add it. after all, its their game.