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Change capsule cooldown system so it isn't globally shared for all capsules

Posted: Sat May 28, 2022 8:45 am
by Hanakocz
Hello, currently all usable capsules share common cooldown on their actions, e.q. when I use grenade, I can use poison capsule when the grenade's cooldown runs out and vice versa.

I wanted to introduce different kinds of capsules, let's say some capsules would be "special" and therefore should have long cooldown before being able to be used again.

But this opens severe problem with current cooldown system - it blocks all other capsules from being used until this cooldown runs out.

Game would track capsule cooldowns based on ammo-category of capsules (base game currently has "grenade" and "capsule"), so the cooldowns of one category are independent of other categories. This way I can introduce another category "capsule-with-long-and-independent-cooldown", which when used, will set cooldown for next usage of capsules only to it's own category and not to "grenade" nor "capsule" categories.