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Your first and second impression?
Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 2:13 am
by Flashbong
Hey there Factiorans
I am curious about your first thoughts about the game. Like what did you thought after the first video and what after you played it first?
I am watching Let's Plays for 4 days now and about 10hours of gameplay :O so i decided to play the demo today.... its just awesome. I think the idea for this game is epic even thou i dont like the 2D gameplay its still my absolut favorite at the moment! Just waiting for paypal to add the dammed 25€ to my account so i can get the 2nd-grade-account

Re: Your first and second impression?
Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 3:34 pm
by ficolas
First impresion: Wow this looks nice! I wanna play it
Second impresion: Lacks of content but its really cool, and it will be even more awesome (That was almost year ago, now it haves more content, so I know it is getting more awesome

Re: Your first and second impression?
Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 9:19 pm
by ssilk
First: fuuck. This is it!!! I have found what I waited so long....
Second: huhhhh? this key mapping is strange...
[when I look back to my first post, this was mainly about that. Now I made some changes for me. For example the double function of Q or the F key (I dislike that most) is mapped on the extra mouse keys.]
I always searched for a game, which simulates every single thing and let me create my own world. Watching, optimizing, planing, growing, changing.
I have a garden and sometimes watch the flowers. With factorio I can do that kind of watching also in winter.

Re: Your first and second impression?
Posted: Fri Feb 14, 2014 11:01 am
by aussiegaylord
my first thought was im in love and my second was "HOW THE F*CK DO I THROW THESE NADES" other than that it was really cool for me and i recently had my 50 hour save corrupt on me when my laptop crashed

but i got straight back into it
Re: Your first and second impression?
Posted: Fri Feb 14, 2014 11:02 am
by kovarex
aussiegaylord wrote:my first thought was im in love and my second was "HOW THE F*CK DO I THROW THESE NADES" other than that it was really cool for me and i recently had my 50 hour save corrupt on me when my laptop crashed

but i got straight back into it
We change it now to be more consistent. (Just right clicking when in cursor)
(For 0.9)
Re: Your first and second impression?
Posted: Fri Feb 14, 2014 11:29 am
by logarithm
First: Simple amazing!
- Why so little ingame info? Without wiki it's really problem to play at first (info improved lately which is really nice).
- Why so many fraction values i.e. 2 and fraction pumps for 1 pipe, 9 and fraction steam engines for 1 pump, 4 and fraction boilers for 3 steam engines? I (survivor) made them for myself and they shoud be more round.
- Why smelting speed "1" is diffrent from crafting speed "1"? What doest it mean 1" speed? Why not simple "items per minute"?
Re: Your first and second impression?
Posted: Fri Feb 14, 2014 12:27 pm
by aussiegaylord
crafting speed is different because it is telling you the seconds that t takes you to craft it. smelting speed ( im amusing ) is useing the default speed eg. 1 and then giving the furnaces smlting speeds so like 0.5 so it will smelt only half as fast as default smelting speed.
Re: Your first and second impression?
Posted: Fri Feb 14, 2014 11:04 pm
by ssilk
Time without a unit is always game-seconds.
I recommend also to watch some Let's play videos, because there are some things, which take 100 words to explain it properly, but if you see it, you understand it within seconds.
Re: Your first and second impression?
Posted: Mon Feb 17, 2014 7:50 am
by Darthlawsuit
I joined during kickstarter so it was a bit different. I watched the video and the concept was neat but it looked really basic. Videos are always a bad judge of a game so I played the demo and got absolutely hooked, couldn't stop playing. Bought into the fundraiser and played for a while till I ran out of things to do in .1.X.
Re: Your first and second impression?
Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2014 10:52 pm
by bird2750
First impression: This seems like my kind of game!
Second impression: It's kind of hard, BUT WHO CARES! THIS GAME IS AWESOME!
Re: Your first and second impression?
Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2014 11:24 pm
by ludsoe
ssilk wrote:First: fuuck. This is it!!! I have found what I waited so long....
Second: huhhhh? this key mapping is strange...

What do you mean strange key mapping? I find them simple yet powerful.
I was able to learn how to play the game in less then 10 mins. (How long my first save lasted before i was eaten by biters)
Saw one of my favorite youtubers do a preview on it.
Thought it was cool so I decided to grab it. As I'm used to games such as dwarf fortress, I was able to learn and love the game quickly.
Second: I love this game.
Re: Your first and second impression?
Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2014 11:54 pm
by Holy-Fire
First: Hm, this is kind of fun.
Second: 7 AM? But I didn't even go to bed yet... (Well in reality it was more like 3 AM but you get the point).
Re: Your first and second impression?
Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2014 7:01 am
by ssilk
ludsoe wrote:ssilk wrote:First: fuuck. This is it!!! I have found what I waited so long....
Second: huhhhh? this key mapping is strange...

What do you mean strange key mapping? I find them simple yet powerful.
Well, it's now a year ago since that.

I changed some of the keys. And especially the F-key for collecting and Q for changing weapon/deselect is still strange. Just to point at the biggest.
PS: I have accidentally edited your post instead of quoting. Luckily I could restore all. Sorry, still learning moderator features.
Re: Your first and second impression?
Posted: Tue May 13, 2014 4:04 pm
by schwarzie2478
I recently acquired Anno 2070 and was playing through the campaign
and was a little bit disappointed that the resource creation was all fairly straight-forward and limited to only a couple of items that fit together.
There is no long assembly proces spanning across the entire game, just isolated mini production sites.
This game immediatly spoke to me because everything seemed to be connected to everything else.
It really feels like you are building a big interconnected system and the scale allowed is also uncommon.
Re: Your first and second impression?
Posted: Tue May 13, 2014 4:28 pm
by kovarex
schwarzie2478 wrote:I recently acquired Anno 2070 and was playing through the campaign
and was a little bit disappointed that the resource creation was all fairly straight-forward and limited to only a couple of items that fit together.
There is no long assembly proces spanning across the entire game, just isolated mini production sites.
This game immediatly spoke to me because everything seemed to be connected to everything else.
It really feels like you are building a big interconnected system and the scale allowed is also uncommon.
I should try the game someday, so I know what everyone is talking about

Re: Your first and second impression?
Posted: Tue May 13, 2014 11:31 pm
by ssilk
First or second?

Re: Your first and second impression?
Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2014 8:16 pm
by Holy-Fire
kovarex wrote:schwarzie2478 wrote:I recently acquired Anno 2070 and was playing through the campaign
I should try the game someday, so I know what everyone is talking about

For what it's worth, I personally think that the previous game in the series, Anno 1404, was much better. You might want to try that as well.
Re: Your first and second impression?
Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2014 8:33 pm
Well, i was going through the watch dogs streams.. Why? well because i knew the hype for the game would end in failure. I was right, watch dogs is practically not played now haha.
But, while watching i decided to see who else was streaming, and i saw sevadus was streaming and something I've never seen before.
Figured id see what it was, and go to bed. So i clicked it. Immediately the very first frame of the game i saw conveyor belts (named transport belts) i knew i had to get the game, I had no idea what the game was about i just knew i had to get it. I googled factorio immediately to get the website and then watched sevadus for about 5 minutes. Made a very easy decision of either waste money, or save money. So i bought the game. I knew i had work the next day and it was already extremely late. So i jumped in and explored a sandbox for 5 minutes.
That, was my first impression.
Next morning i was waiting for my dad to get ready so we could go to work, and i jumped on to play for 20 or so minutes. I immediately knew everything what to do and learned the entire game by myself without looking up or asking anything to play.
When i got back from work, i played the rest of the day.
I did have trouble with steam engines though, I had no idea why it didn't work when it said power issue. I decided to leave it and later placed a electric machine which ended up using the power, thus solving the problem. (not playing the tutorial was the problem)
Re: Your first and second impression?
Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 10:44 am
by middle_manager
First impression: Goddamit, this is tedious. When do I get to build cool factories instead of filling in these burners.
Second impression: Combat is arse. Permadeath? I saved 30 min ago. I'm leaving this save.
Then I started a fresh world in free mode and figured out things from there.
I still haven't moved on from mission #1 in the campaign
Re: Your first and second impression?
Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2014 9:05 am
by DarkEnergy666
first thought looks pretty cool im going to buy it later when i have the money second thought how do you drive thisCAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!