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Without Artistic Direction

Posted: Tue Sep 19, 2023 2:44 am
by mmmPI
Discussions related to the forums itself. Call for moderators. Trash Posts area.
I think my drawing belong here
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Re: Without Artistic Direction

Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2023 11:59 pm
by mmmPI
I found a quote funny and fitting to the drawing but i wouldn't dare to post the drawing of it or annoy the philosopher :
I mean, 2.5k people agreed with a cliff dick. Obviously this means that the majority wants more cliff dicks in the game so the next version will generate cliffs only in dick shape.
It made me realize how powerful some words of wisdom could be compared to what i can achieve with my current drawing skills, and i thought why not try to use words too. It inspired me this little fun very long and moralizing story to illustrate artistic direction in a fantasy world in the past that i'm leaving here in case :

Imagine a comedian or a jester maybe, because at the begining of the story the actor only has 1 person as public, the King. It's the personnal clown of the king and as such he is tasked to entertain him when the king order for as long as the king order whenever the king orders it. I think that's called a Jester.

The skill of the jester is not only how to make jokes, but also knowing which jokes the king likes. Because he doesn't want to have his head chopped off and then be hanged and burn, as this is the punishment in this harsh world when the king is displeased. So making an offending joke to the king is a big no-no. A skilled jester will try different jokes about different topics, most of them of course giving the king a good opportunity to laugh at the adversity he overcome already or anything that may infuriate him on the moment, like his sons, or the queen, or the general of the army, or the soldiers, the merchants whatever, the king is the king and will protect the jester against any possible retaliation from those being mocked for the king's pleasure.

This story is about a jester which really pleased the king with its finesse . So much so that the king thought he would let the jester distract the royal couple instead of just himself. Knowing this , the jester quickly tried to learn as much as possible on the queen, to make sure both of the clients would laugh. The jester is a little afraid than the king ask him to repeat one of his previous jokes, that the queen may not find to her liking due to her being the target so he tries to find other endings that would make them both laugh at the expense of a third person. Oh and also our friend jester make sure to remove all the jokes concerning politics. Just in case the royal couple do not share the same views on a topic which he can't ask about beforehand.

That's getting a bit difficult for the jester but he manages overtime to find his routine and please the couple so much that eventually they agree to let their two sons , the princes that are getting in age of listening to the adults , listen to the jester's jokes sometimes. To which the jester has to adapt and make sure he doesn't use any swear words, even while impersonnating a vilain, for fear of being accused of teaching bad words to the princes and corrupting the destiny of the kingdom or something.

And again time passes and the jester is continuing his work of always finding new ways to entertain his growing public. He's a skilled jester and practices a lot, so eventually, the royal family give him more and more trust, and he is tasked to follow around the 2 princes during their teen years to be the one that gets hurt when they do stupid things, as teens do stupid things sometimes before they know it's stupid, they are mean, they are dangerous for themselves or for the others, they are always complaining and wanting to be conflictual with their parents, they act like they are the kings which is making the job of the jester very difficult when he has to keep the trust of the princes for fear of failing his mission, while still not being able to mock the king or the queen, which would be the easy solution to pleases the teens.

And guess what ! again, the jester managed to succeed in the task! he is still alive when the king is getting older and that the succession is incoming, now he is the older man following the princes when they need advices in their preparation for their future responsabilities, he is like a model for them, and as such he is very often in contact with the head of the army, during their meetings with the princes. And here again, he is tasked by one or the other prince , to act as a jester and entertain some officers otherwise his presence could be suspicious. So the jokes at this point need to avoid targeting the king, or the queen, or the princes, or the chiefs of the army, or their soldier in front of them, in case one of them takes it badly. ( and still no politics )

I think i can fast forward some details at this point, that would be too verbose to relate that time the army went to protect the merchant from the blue guild, and mister jester had to entertain them all without any jokes on the color blue, because it's very similar to the time the army was sent to protect the red guild, and it was forbidden to mock anything that was red. And it would remnind you of that time when it was the green guild that needed protection.Which i think i already detailed as being the same events almost as when the merchant from the yellow guild were entertained by mister jester and that he had to avoid all jokes involving the color yellow.

The jester at this point was carrying around a huge bag with lots of books with all the notes of all the things he learned that people disliked , the king, the queen, the princes, the chiefs of the army the soldiers, the people whose favourite color is blue, those who prefer red, those who think green is the best color, and those that think it's yellow and those who don't know. For every single one of them he had lenghty paragraphs with the "favourite joke topic" , "morning jokes" , "bad times jokes" and of course the "topic to avoid joking about". Which was necessary because he was getting to a point of his life when he wanted to leave something for the future generations. So he thought he could write a book with many jokes and try to sell them around the world so that people can entertain themselves while reading the book. But he was having a hard time finding a good one at this point all it could come up with were just not funny.

Good thing he started to receive letters from many of the people who heard he wanted to write a book. Many of them were proposing their favourite jokes.Some of them were outrageous, as you can imagine ( worse than a dick cliff ) but some of them made the jester laugh a lot, they were quite good. Eventually though whenever the jester tried to check if a joke could be disliked , there was always one or another person that would dislike the joke even the least provocative. See because some jokes were mocking the king, some jokes were moking the queen, some jokes were mocking the princes the army the color blue or red or green or yellow.

Does it make more dramatic if i tell you the jester had a team around him that rely on him for feeding their family all along ? or is it harder to put yourself in the shoes of the jester ? That kinda breaks the narrative but i'm not sure of the ending, what do you think happened next ? any preferences ? i was thinking maybe he could write a math book that no-one is entertained with, or he could just not write any book. I don't think i can find a happy ending or a good idea for what could be in a book that absolutly no-one will dislike, i mean a math book ?

In case it's not clear at this point, the book is like a video game, if there is no fun, it's like a math book, if the book is to be somewhat fun, it's possible that amongst the jokes some are not fun for one person, or that another person doesn't get the joke. You can still get a good laugh from a book with some of jokes that are not funny for you or that you don't get, provided there are some good ones, or enjoy playing a game that has things in it you dislike or things that are too time consuming for you with the amount of time you are willing/able to invest.

And the jester's story is bad because it is not finished, that's not what people who write story ( like for the TV ) do, they finish the story, and then they ask a few people they trust or some random strangers in a carefully selected group of individual to be representative of the audience if they liked the story, ( and "what happened?" to make sure things are understood as expected ). Sometimes they even have 2 3 or more version of the story and they rank them with different test pannel. But they don't ask for ending propositions coming from the test pannel. They know some topics are more sensible than others thanks to feedback, but if they avoid them all , it makes a boring show.

No RNG, no ennemy, no pollution, no ressource that deplete , no need to wait for moving to an area , no need to have material for blueprint, no need for energy, no need to do ratios, let's remove everything that one or the other player dislike, and you have a really boring game. That's again like the jester who has to make funny jokes without making fun of anything.

If you consider a medium like a book or a video game any piece of art and even my bad story , there are author and non-author, the feedback has to come from those that are non-author otherwise it's not called feedback. Then it cannot help author to gauge the popularity of his ideas/ jokes if the feedback is some other ideas/joke to put in the book . If you are not author, you don't send them letters telling them how they should have written their book or what should happen in the next right ? I mean you could and maybe that will give inspiration to the author or give them an idea of who the readers are, but you risk being disappointed if you expect that your joke will be copy pasted in the book. Imagine how many letters authors would receive asking them for a character not to die or get hurt. There would be 0 story.

Plus the "suggestions and ideas" part of the forum exist !

Re: Without Artistic Direction

Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2023 11:20 am
by mmmPI
I'm sorry if the story is offensive toward the persons that try to make math entertaining.

Travelling to the Stars by Ladder
Realism vs storytelling

The Brick Factory Problem
Minizing Train junctions

Re: Without Artistic Direction

Posted: Sat Jun 22, 2024 8:06 am
by mmmPI
(i was remembered this was the area for trash post and it just so happens that my attempt at writing a drama piece about factorio fit that category)

In an alternate universe, or in a very very far away planet :

Player 1: Ah this system is impossible to understand, I wish it is made different.
Devs : Wish granted ! We made the system simpler !
Player 1 : Ah but this system is not realistic, I wish it is made more realistic.
Devs : Wish granted ! We reverted back !
Player 1 : Ah but this system is impossible to understand, I wish for a realistic and easy to understand system.
Devs : Wish granted ! We changed the law of physics to make them easier to understand for you so the realistic system we modeled in game is also understandable to you.
Player 1 : Ah but this system is not fun to play with, what I wish now is a realistic system, with all the complexity that goes with it, but that I am able to easily understand in a few seconds.
Devs : Wish granted ! We reverted back the law of physics, and instead upgraded your brain with addons that makes you able to understand all the complexity of the the system and its intricacies in just few seconds, so you do not experience frustration when attempting to design a system due to commiting mistakes along the way, you will always get everything right the 1rst time.
Player 1: But that is still not fun to play with, that's too easy now, it feel like watching a movie while beeing forced to press a button every now and then.
Devs : Wish granted, you don't even need to press buttons now, we added a system where you can pay a little extra fee to skip some clickings every now and then
Player 1: I don't understand what this game has so special, it look like any other streaming services
Devs : Wish granted, we are uploading some understanding about what happened.
Player 1: Eewwwww stop doing that devs
Devs: Wish granted, we'll read your feedback but appreciate it our way before taking a decision for our game because you seem to be unable to properly define what a fun video game that you would play should look like.
Player 1: Don't belittle me !
Devs: Wish granted, we'll spend time adressing your feedback with both professionnalism and passion as best as we can
Player 1: Yeah that's the minimum I expect after purchasing that game 10 years ago, now what do you think about my proposition to add into the game a way divide the number 3 into 2 integers of the same size ?

( it's not quite finished yet, i don't know how to write the Devs' answer in my fictionnal world , maybe next week )

Re: Without Artistic Direction

Posted: Sun Jun 23, 2024 2:14 am
by Brathahn
TLDR by chat-gpt:
The passage is a reflective and humorous story about a jester who serves a king, highlighting the complexities of humor and the challenges of entertaining a diverse audience. The jester's journey begins with the task of entertaining the king alone, but as he succeeds, his audience expands to include the queen, the princes, and eventually military officers. To avoid offending anyone, the jester meticulously tailors his jokes, leading to an exhaustive list of "safe" and "off-limits" topics. Despite his success, he struggles to create a universally accepted joke book, as someone always finds a joke offensive. This dilemma is compared to creating a video game that pleases everyone, resulting in a bland experience devoid of challenges or excitement. The story underscores the difficulty of balancing creative expression with audience expectations and the risk of losing the essence of art by trying to satisfy everyone.

Re: Without Artistic Direction

Posted: Sun Jun 23, 2024 3:02 am
by mmmPI
This is not a humorous story i'm kinda disappointed, it says at the beginning : "very long and moralizing story to illustrate artistic direction in a fantasy world in the past".

Re: Without Artistic Direction

Posted: Sun Jun 23, 2024 7:04 am
by Koub
[Koub] Moved this thread to off topic.