A VERY noobish question
Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2014 5:32 pm
How do I add ores to pre-existing worlds, I'm trying to generate fluoride and uranite from UraniumPower
Ill make sure to try thatn9103 wrote:Load a map in the map editor and save as scenario.
If you mean an in-progress map, then the only way to do so without some extensive cheating would be to reveal new chunks, maybe.
Adding and removing ore deposits from maps is one of the less mod-friendly moddable aspects.
Wrong, you can regenerate deposits of any ore with a single console command. In case of uraninite and fluorite from UraniumPower, it would be these:n9103 wrote:Load a map in the map editor and save as scenario.
If you mean an in-progress map, then the only way to do so without some extensive cheating would be to reveal new chunks, maybe.
Adding and removing ore deposits from maps is one of the less mod-friendly moddable aspects.
Code: Select all
/c game.regenerateentity("uraninite")
/c game.regenerateentity("fluorite")