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How to kill all biters, spawners, and worms?

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2019 9:41 pm
by AngledLuffa
I'm trying to update BitersBegone after the mod author said she doesn't have time to do so herself. The mod has two pieces: kill all biters on install, and prevent new biters from forming.

The old method of killing all biters works fine:

Code: Select all

  for _, surface in pairs(game.surfaces) do
    for _, entity in pairs(surface.find_entities_filtered({force="enemy"})) do
      if entity.destroy() then num = num + 1 end
(keeping track of how many entities are destroyed so it can print statistics)

This is slow, though, so it's suitable for running the first time a map is loaded after installing a mod, but not suitable for frequent use.

The old method of preventing new biters doesn't seem to work, though:

Code: Select all

for _, type in pairs(data.raw) do
  for _, prototype in pairs(type) do
    if prototype.autoplace and prototype.autoplace.force == "enemy" then
      prototype.autoplace.peaks = {}
Also, this method never worked when combined with RSO or another biter creation algorithm, so the original author of Biters Begone! added a method for deleting biters on a new chunk creation event. So for example if we do this:

Code: Select all

script.on_event(, function(event)
where clear_biters() is the first block of code, this stops any new biters from forming. However, this is slow. So instead you can pass in the area of the event and do this:

Code: Select all

  for _, surface in pairs(game.surfaces) do
    for _, entity in pairs(surface.find_entities_filtered({force="enemy", area=area})) do
      if entity.destroy() then num = num + 1 end

script.on_event(, function(event)
This is reasonably fast, but it has two problems. First, it doesn't kill worms and spawners at the edge of the area. This can be solved by expanding the bounding box:

Code: Select all

  if area then
    expanded_area = {}
    expanded_area["left_top"] = {}
    expanded_area["left_top"]["x"] = area.left_top.x - 16
    expanded_area["left_top"]["y"] = area.left_top.y - 16
    expanded_area["right_bottom"] = {}
    expanded_area["right_bottom"]["x"] = area.right_bottom.x + 16
    expanded_area["right_bottom"]["y"] = area.right_bottom.y + 16
A second problem it is not quite fast enough, so you get stutters when exploring a lot of new area on a large map.

Looking for alternate ways to kill off all the biters, there is LuaForce::kill_all_units(), but this doesn't kill worms or spawners, just the biters themselves.

Is there any simple solution for quickly killing off all the worms and spawners?

1) a fast way to go from LuaForce to a list of all entities, not just the units
2) a fast way to go from an area to all of the entities in that area (my guess is filtering the entities by area is not optimized)
3) a reliable way to prevent the worms or spawners from ever being created
4) another method I haven't thought of?


Re: How to kill all biters, spawners, and worms?

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2019 10:16 pm
by AngledLuffa
Update: I tried setting max_probabilities=0.0 for the prototypes in data.raw, and that didn't seem to work either.

Re: How to kill all biters, spawners, and worms?

Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2019 4:40 pm
by orzelek
You can use this:

Code: Select all

local zeroExpression = {
    expression_id = "literal-number:1",
    literal_value = 0,
    type = "literal-number"

function resetRichness(ent)
	if ent and ent.autoplace then
		ent.autoplace.richness_multiplier = null
		ent.autoplace.richness_expression = zeroExpression
		ent.autoplace.probability_expression = zeroExpression

function removeProbability(ent)
	if ent and ent.autoplace then
		ent.autoplace.probability_expression = zeroExpression
From what I recall from patch notes using nil instead of zeroExpression should also work in recent versions. Most likely you need only removeProbability - I'm using it for enemies in RSO.

And if RSO keeps creating enemies... just disable it in settings so it doesn't :D You won't need to scan the chunks then.

Currently RSO in itself can be used to disable enemies completely when it's present. It disables vanilla spawning automatically and has a setting to disable enemy spawning done in RSO.

Re: How to kill all biters, spawners, and worms?

Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2019 6:32 pm
by AngledLuffa
Thanks, that's pretty thorough!

I further tested the scanning method with debug output on, and at most it was adding 1ms to the updates. Maybe that's not the worst. It does handle situations like RSO or other mods which change the biter spawning algorithm. Doesn't matter how the biters were spawned if you then clean them all up automatically, after all, and this way people won't have to fiddle with settings in order to have their biters be eradicated as expected.

Re: How to kill all biters, spawners, and worms?

Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2019 11:29 pm
by quyxkh
For my lab-map scenario I just wipe everything on chunk generation, I've never seen it fail:

Code: Select all

script.on_event(de.on_chunk_generated, function(ev)
   -- [[ … ]]
    for _, entity in next,ev.surface.find_entities(ev.area) or empty do
	if entity.valid and not ( entity.type == 'player'
	   or keep_resources and entity.type == 'resource' ) then
     -- [[ … ]]