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[0.11.3] Running custom functions from MP

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2014 7:26 pm
by skintkingle
Hi Guys,

I'm running the latest version of factorio and i've come across a little niggly issue. My friend and I wanted to start, travel away from eachother, and each make factories ourselves, and work against eachother, then build up the possibility of using the rail system for other more railway'ey things like stations for us, and maybe setups for trading resources etc etc... ANYWAY enough about our gameplay plans. What I wanted to do... Is I have my code for this already (I think, still not been able to test) as follows:

function enableTravel()
for plr in game.players do
plr.insert{{name="car", count=1}}
plr.insert{{name="coal", count=50}}

And referenced this in the base data.lua as required. (I know, I know, dont modify base, bla bla bla, but This is just for me testing and i CBA to send my friend a mod for me to just run a script to automate me giving each of us some items).

My question is as follows:
How do i call "enableTravel" from in-game? I found out quickly that "/c enableTravel()" does not do what I would expect. Any help? ^_^

If the answer is "Multiplayer is buggy, wait until they've released their first stable iteration of Multiplayer" then fair enough. But I thought i'd ask the question anyway

Re: [0.11.3] Running custom functions from MP

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2014 10:45 pm
by L0771
if you are on singleplayer, may use
/c game.player.insert({name="car", count=1}) game.player.insert({name="coal", count=50})

if you are on multiplayer may use (if you are first on login)
/c game.players[1].insert({name="car", count=1}) game.player.insert({name="coal", count=50})

if you want a function for this, may use in your control.lua (this add a car and coal to all players)

Code: Select all

enableTravel = function()
	for _,v in ipairs(game.players) do
		v.insert{{name="car", count=1}}
		v.insert{{name="coal", count=50}}
Must use /c"yourmod","enableTravel")

MP is in alfa, but it works.

Re: [0.11.3] Running custom functions from MP

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2014 10:49 pm
by skintkingle
Beautiful, the remote.addinterface, right on the money. I knew about the ordering of how to access player/players from sp/mp and its syntax, but thanks for clarification anyway. And thanks for supplying the solution for me, muchas gracias

Re: [0.11.3] Running custom functions from MP

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2014 11:38 pm
by skintkingle
Hi, further to my code addition, I now have the function working faultlessly in-game.. but code I believed to be setting what controls what where why etc does not do what i expected it to do.

This is my code now:

Code: Select all

enableTravel = function()
   for _,c in ipairs(game.players) do
	  local car = game.createentity{name = "car", position = c.position, force = game.forces.player}
	  car.insert({name="coal", count=50})
	  c.setcontroller({type = defines.controllers.character, character = car})
c.setcontroller line does not work properly. and defines.controllers only has character, free and god. So i thought the car may be accepted as a controllable "character"... but it tells me no.

Anyone have any luck with mounting people in vehicles via mods?

Re: [0.11.3] Running custom functions from MP

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2014 12:51 am
by L0771
I think "setcontroller" must be a character, car is not a character, maybe can possess a biter XD is a joke, neither can be possessed, it only works with type = "player" i think.

Re: [0.11.3] Running custom functions from MP

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2014 12:53 pm
by skintkingle
yeah I thought i'd give it a go none the less. As the "player" is a class that controls how the player interacts with the game, not the in-game character instance. So i presumed I could set how what the player is currently controlling (car, train, character, etc) via that setcontroller function. I guess it doesn't do what it says on the tin yet though. ALPHA!! ^_^

Does anyone have any joy with automating getting in vehicles. seeming as the "vehicle" property is read-only i cant se the vehicle instance directly on that value.