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Increases rates research

Posted: Tue May 08, 2018 9:53 pm
by seomaster99

How can I create research that increases the game's rates after learning them?

Specifically, I want to multiply increase:
Mining Speed
Machine Crafting Speed
Lab Research Speed

what is it for?

To ensure that after launching the snap does not build mega-factories, but increase the game's rates.
Modules are not enough for me)

I used the standard code for technology:

Code: Select all

type = "technology",
    name= "mining-speed",
    icon = "__Mining_Speed_Research__/mining-speed-research.png",
    icon_size = 64,
    effects =
        type = "mining-speed",
        modifier = 0.2
But to my great chagrin gives an error: "Unkown modifer type "mining-speed'' :?

Is it possible to change parameters mining and crafting speed with the research?

Character settings are not interested) Only for buildings)

Re: Increases rates research

Posted: Wed May 09, 2018 2:31 am
by betrok
For labs and miners you can use "laboratory-productivity" and "mining-drill-productivity-bonus".

With crafting things are more complicated.
You can create several prototypes with a single difference in speed and replace old ones on build and finish of research.
It's a hacky solution with possible side effects, but i do not think there are any alternatives for modifier-style upgrades.

Re: Increases rates research

Posted: Thu May 10, 2018 8:30 am
by bobingabout
you can only use pre-defined modifiers, so if a modifier isn't used in the base game, it probably doesn't exist.

there are exceptions to this rule though, there were quite a few added that affect the player, such as inventory size, movement speed, etc.