Player Reach/Crafting speed

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Player Reach/Crafting speed

Post by thegreyman »

I'm looking to create a mod to increase player reach/crafting speed with equipment. Is there a crafting speed bonus like movement_bonus for exoskeleton legs? I've only been able to find a flat manualcraftingspeedmultiplier and I would hate to have to adjust it using events (if it can even be done) for when the equipment is added or removed. Same way, I have found the function of canreachentity, but I'm not sure if there is a reach value defined or if there is a modifier available.

Anyone have any thoughts for the location of these if they are possible?

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Re: Player Reach/Crafting speed

Post by FreeER »

thegreyman wrote:Anyone have any thoughts for the location of these if they are possible?
I don't remember there being a manualcraftingspeedmultiplier and I can't find that in a search of the forum or the wiki...I believe the TimeButtons mod has a settings to increase game.speed when you're crafting but that's probably the closest. I do know that it isn't possible to set the player's reach right now, that's always been hard coded. Also it's not currently possible to do anything with equipment (assuming you mean armor equipment) because you can't access the inventory of armor (and there's no event for when the player opens it etc.), though I believe that will change with 0.11...

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Re: Player Reach/Crafting speed

Post by thegreyman »

The manualcraftingspeedmultiplier is part of the force descripitions, and if you set it to a higher value your crafting goes up. I'd rather not mess with the hard values tho, and would prefer to mess with multipliers like exoskeletons do. ... =Lua/Force

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Re: Player Reach/Crafting speed

Post by FreeER »

ah, that's why the search missed it (modifier not multiplier).
However, the equipment works because the devs coded it so that they work for the specific uses they had in mind. There aren't really modifiers for the equipment like there is for tech (even they are limited by what is coded) and the force (even more limited really), the movement_bonus for the exoskeleton was simply a choice of what that node/property should be named in the prototype.

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